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Volume 7

Innovative Energy & Research

ISSN: 2576-1463

Advanced Energy Materials 2018

August 13-14, 2018

August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland



International Conference on

Advanced Energy Materials and Research

Comparison of the thermophysical properties of eutectic with peritectic compounds for thermal

energy storage at high temperatures

Fouzia Achchaq


, Marie Duquesne


, Elena Palomo del Barrio


, Stefania Doppiu


, Eric Lebraud



Philippe Legros



Université de Bordeaux - CNRS, France


Bordeaux INP - CNRS, France


CIC EnergiGUNE, Spain


ICMCB - CNRS, France




he conventional resources depletion (coal, gas, oil) and the climate change lead to the need for innovation, requiring the

use of renewable energy and appropriate storage technologies. This trend involves the development of effective, reliable

and cost-effective energy storage units. Our work focus on advanced energy materials for ultra-compact thermal energy

storage at high temperatures (300-600°C). Thus a theoretical study, based on both literature [1-3] and FactSage 7.0® software, is

performed to compare the stoichiometric peritectic compounds with pure and eutectic ones currently considered (molten salts,

metal alloys...). The objective is to know if the peritectics can surpass the performances of these latters. The theoretical results

show that the stoichiometric peritectic compounds can provide, at constant temperature and ambient pressure, a potential

energy density much higher than pure and eutectic materials. This is due to their capacity to combine all advantages provided

by sensible, latent and thermochemical processes. No cutting-edge technology is required to be developped for using them,

contrary to the thermochemical heat storage materials [4]. Moreover, we can envision also to use the peritectic compounds in

cascade ways enabling hence a consideration of very wide ranges of temperature and energy density, making them applicable

to a wider pan of applications. These encouraging results fully justify the choice of stoichiometric peritectic compounds. Now,

several experimental attempts are launched to determine the appropriate methods and protocols to synthesize them. To date,

our work leads to the successful synthesis of the peritectic compound based on LiOH-LiBr system.

Figure 1:

Example of the theoretical enthalpy evolution with temperature of four compositions of the LiOH/LiBr system:

LiOH and LiBr, eutectic and peritectic mixtures.

Figure 2:

Calculated and experimental XRD patterns obtained for the peritectic compound based on LiOH-LiBr system.

Recent Publications

1. KenisarinM.M (2010) High-Temperature phase change materials for thermal energy storage. Renewable and Sustainable

Energy Reviews 27:724-37.

2. Wei G, Wang G, Xu C, Ju X, Xing L, Du X, Yang Y (2018) Selection principles and thermophysical properties of high

Fouzia Achchaq et al., Innov Ener Res 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463-C1-002