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Volume 8

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

ISSN: 2155-952X

Adv.Biotech 2018

November 15-17, 2018

November 15-17, 2018 | Berlin, Germany



International Conference on

Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience

Alzheimer is caused by alkaline body fluids

Manuel Mateos De Vicente

Polytechnic University, Spain


r. Mateos started analyzing Alzheimer because a member of his family and some friends had it. This allowed him to

analyze it in many different ways. He applied his knowledge based on the many courses in several subjects he took at Iowa

State University for his MSc, PhD and postgraduate studies and research for eight years. Besides analyzing family and friends

he also diagnosed many other Alzheimer’s patients. This analysis was also made on hundreds of healthy persons to have a

comparison. Blood, urine saliva were analyzed. He also followed the development of reactions mentioning people we knew,

friends, facts of life, situations, towns where they had lived. Applying his knowledge of the 48 chemical products he first used in

his MSc thesis and following research he noticed the body of Alzheimer patient had a high pH. Analyzing persons with known

Alzheimer he noticed a common denominator: Alkaline fluids were present on dozens of Alzheimer patients analyzed. He also

has known that Alzheimer patients who drink acid drinks show an improvement. He presented a basic research on Alzheimer

at the Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress in Boston 2014 and now he has more reliable and supported information.

His findings have now the support of studies on Alzheimer made in three universities in other countries. Once we know the

origin of Alzheimer it is easier to develop a medication to counteract it. His self-financed research could save billions of dollars.


Manuel Mateos De Vicente had the degree of Public Works Engineer and also Highways, Canals and Harbors Engineer (In Spain ITOP and ICCP). He went to the

United States and completed a 2 years MSc at the age of 30 from Iowa State University (ISU) and also a PhD at the age of 33. He continued postdoctoral studies and

research at ISU to the age of 37. He passed the requirements as a Professional Engineer. He also studied in Norway, Austria and Baghdad Mustanshiriya University. He

has completed non-technical studies such as anthropology, linguistics etc. He continued doing research in 1964 mainly on traffic safety as well as on rural development,

rare illnesses, heart arrhythmia and other subjects. His accepted proposals in traffic safety prevented hundreds of potential accidents for which he was awarded a medal.

His research on the use of wastes is saving millions of tons of CO


from going into the atmosphere. He has written more than 30 books and around 1.000 publications.

His research on engineering has been presented in English in 39 Congresses, 19 of them at the USA National Academy of Sciences HRB and TRB, and published in

Proceedings and Journals. He is the president of a company dealing with water supply. He is Life Member of seven scientific or technical societies of the USA. His work,

studies or conferences took him to 25 countries.

Manuel Mateos De Vicente, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C6-103