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Volume 8

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

ISSN: 2155-952X

Adv.Biotech 2018

November 15-17, 2018

November 15-17, 2018 | Berlin, Germany



International Conference on

Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience

Life science in space: How it is/can be done and what has been achieved so far

Jutta Krause


, Pierfilippo Manieri



Janine Liedke



European Space Research and Technology Centre, Netherlands


Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway


he European Space Agency (ESA) is an organization of 22 member states. ESA’s mandate is to provide and to promote,

exclusively for peaceful purpose, the cooperation among ESA member states in space research and technologies, as well

as their space applications. This includes life science research on the International Space Station (ISS) in particular within

the Columbus module. One of ESAs very successful equipment is to conduct life science experiments in space is KUBIK, a

37x37x37 cm


temperature controlled box, which was designed and developed in 2004. Since 2006, KUBIK is operating as a

centre-isle unit inside of the Columbus module. It allows scientists to conduct experiments fully automated under microgravity

conditions. Samples are returned to ground and the effects of exposure to the environmental conditions on the ISS can be

investigated in the home laboratory. KUBIK has, over the years, hosted experiments on bacteria, fungi, human white blood

cells, stem cells of various types, plant seedlings and live tadpoles. A currently pending experiment will examine how microbial

biofilms interact with rock surfaces across different gravity levels (weightlessness, Mars and Earth gravity). Results have been

published by the scientists in various journals. Because biological experiments are very valuable, experiment preparation is a

crucial part of the work. The careful planning of the experiment accounting for the ‘upload-’ and ‘download scenarios’ and the

‘no access to sample’ requires thorough testing upfront. Special designed hardware needs science verification testing to ensure

samples are turned to the science laboratory in useful quality.


Jutta Krause is a Payload System Engineer working at the European Space Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency [ESA/ESTEC] since

2002. Since 2013, she is responsible for hardware development for KUBIK life science experiments. She has completed her Engineering Degree in Chemistry with a

specialization in Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Fachhochschule Niederrhein in 1998.

Jutta Krause et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C6-103