Page 74
Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Adv.Biotech 2018
November 15-17, 2018
November 15-17, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference on
Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience
Using the derivatives of pyrimidine, pyrazole, isoflavones, pyridine, oxazolopyrimidine and oxazole
as new substitutes of auxins and cytokinins for regulation of plant growth
Tsygankova Victoria Natolyivna, Andrusevich Ya V, Shtompel O I
Brovarets V S
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry–NASU, Ukraine
he auxin-like and cytokinin-like activity of chemical low molecular weight heterocyclic compounds, derivatives of
pyrimidine, pyrazole, isoflavones, pyridine, oxazolopyrimidine and oxazole was studied. The specific bioassay on auxin-
like activity conducted on the leaf petioles isolated from seedlings of haricot bean (
Phaseolus vulgaris
L.) cultivar Belozernaya
showed high stimulating effect of the chemical heterocyclic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine, pyrazole, isoflavones, and
pyridine used at the concentration 10-8M on the formation of adventitious roots on the 14
-day-old leaf petioles isolated
from seedlings of haricot bean (
Phaseolus vulgaris
L.) cultivar Belozernaya, which was similar or higher of the effect of plant
hormones auxins IAA and NAA used at the same concentration 10-8M. The specific bioassay on cytokinin-like activity
conducted on the cotyledons isolated from seeds of muscat pumpkin (
Cucurbita moschata
Duch. ex Poir.) cultivar Gilea
showed the high stimulating effect of chemical heterocyclic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine, pyrazole, isoflavones,
pyridine, oxazolopyrimidine and oxazole used at the concentrations 10-8M and 10-9M on the growth of biomass of 16
day-old cotyledons isolated from seeds of muscat pumpkin (
Cucurbita moschata
Duch. et Poir.) cultivar Gilea, which was
similar or higher of the effect of plant hormone cytokinin kinetin used at the same concentrations 10-8M and 10-9M. The
obtained results confirmed the inducing auxin-like and cytokinin-like effect of synthetic heterocyclic compounds on plant cell
elongation, division and differentiation that are the basic processes of plant growth
vTsygankova@ukr.netJ Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C6-104