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Addiction Therapy 2016
October 03-05, 2016
Volume 7, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Addict Res Ther
ISSN:2155-6105 JART, an open access journal
October 03-05, 2016 Atlanta, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
Addiction Research & Therapy
Elham Davaridolatabadi, J Addict Res Ther 2016, 7:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-6105.C1.027The quality of life of adolescents and young adults referring to addiction treatment centres upon their
admission, and one, four and eight months after maintenance treatment
Elham Davaridolatabadi
Islamic Azad University, Iran
rug abuse impacts quality of life significantly. Thus, the present study is designed to compare the quality of life of
adolescents and young adults who have voluntarily referred to addiction treatment centres at different time slots of upon-
admission, and one, four and eight months after maintenance treatment.
The Study is a longitudinal study on 141 of adolescents and young adults who had referred to various addiction treatment
centres throughout Isfahan voluntarily. The population was selected through availability sampling method and 137 of
adolescents and young adults continued the research till the end. The SF36 Questionnaire was used. The collected data was
analyzed using statistical indices and SPSS software.
The obtained results showed that the average of quality of life total score was sequential and not the same in the four time
slots under study. According to the post-hoc test, the total quality of life score upon-admission was significantly different from
one, four and eight months after maintenance treatment. However, quality of life at one month was not significantly different
to that at four and eight months after the treatment; also, quality of life at four months after the treatment was not significantly
different to that at eight months after.
According to the results obtained in the present study, it can be concluded that the quality of life of adolescents and young
adults referring to addiction treatment centres increases one month after the treatment; nevertheless, it is worth to note that
the degree of quality of life increase in four and eight months after the treatment is not as much as that in one month after
the treatment. That is, the degree of quality of life increase is not that significant in four and eight months after the treatment
in comparison with one month after the treatment. Thus, in addition to maintenance treatment, other aspects of quality of
life, especially social, support and social network should be taken into consideration for a successful treatment and avoiding
recurrence of addiction in this sensitive segment of society.
Elham Davaridolatabadi completed her Msc Of critical care nursing from Iran. She is a teacher at Islamic Azad University in Iran and Active member of the Research
Centre on Aging. She is also is conducting several clinical trials of therapeutic and research project in Iran. She is accepting scholarship from American university
for PhD.