Volume 4, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Page 111
Infectious Diseases 2016
August 24-26, 2016
August 24-26, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
Infectious Diseases
Joint Event on
World Congress on
Pediatric Care & Pediatric Infectious Diseases
International Conference on
The evaluation of concentration of calprotectin in pleural fluid with causes of exudative pleural
Mohammad Reza Hashempour, Ali Aryannia, Mahshid Mehrjerdian, Mojtaba Kiani
Gholam Reza Roshandel
Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
: Nowadays, routine invasive techniques to diagnose the causes of exudative pleural effusion are going to be replaced by
new non-invasive methods such as biomarkers which with the same diagnostic accuracy can confirm malignant situations at least in
a group of cases who do not need more invasive means.
: To evaluate concentration of calprotectin in pleural fluid with causes of exudative pleural effusion.
Materials & Methods
: In this descriptive-analytical and case-control study, the calprotectin concentrations in pleural fluid was
evaluated in 90 patients with exudative pleural effusion and compared among two groups including 34 patients with malignant
pleural effusion (MPE) and 56 patients with benign pleural effusion (BPE) in Sayyad Shirazi Hospital in Gorgan of Iran in 2014. All
patients underwent examination and the necessary laboratory tests were done and closed pleural biopsy was performed if necessary.
Collected data were analyzed by SPSS-21 statistical software and chi-square, t-test, ANOVA and logistic regression analysis.
: Calprotectin concentration was (107.72±10.59) in patients with malignant causes and (114.42±23.95) in others. Calprotectin
concentration was (122.34±27.03) in patient with TB. The results showed that this difference was statistically significant (p=0.05) and
calprotectin rate is lower in the malignant pleural effusion. Especially, when the results were compared with patients with TB, this
difference was more prominent (p=0.01).
Discussion & Conclusion
: According to higher levels of calprotectin in tuberculous pleural effusions, maybe we can achieve
important results in differentiating between malignant and non-malignant pleural exudate, without the need for invasive procedures,
by putting together the clinical symptoms, the calprotectin concentration in pleural fluid and pleural fluid cytology results.
Mohammad Reza Hashempour has completed his Doctorate fromArmy University of Medical Sciences and Postdoctoral studies in Surgery from Golestan University School
of Medicine. He has published papers in reputed journals.
hashempourm@yahoo.comMohammad Reza Hashempour et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:4(Suppl)