Volume 4, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Page 110
Infectious Diseases 2016
August 24-26, 2016
August 24-26, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
Infectious Diseases
Joint Event on
World Congress on
Pediatric Care & Pediatric Infectious Diseases
International Conference on
Contaminations of devices, solutions and personal hands result at NICU, Emam Reza Hospital,
Mashhad City, North East Iran
Ahmad Shah Farhat, Ashraf Mohammad Zadeh, Reza Saeedi
Ahmad Jamshid Rezaei
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran
: Infection is a common cause of neonatal death, nosocomial infection may increase neonatal death at NICU, as we
know the nosocomial infection is more than 11% at NICU, we decide to study the result of contamination of devices solutions
and personal hands at NICU and based on the type of bacteria and the device which is contaminated we take the serious steps for
prevention of contaminating and its disinfection.
: All devices and solutions which were related to neonates studied with culture during Jan 2014-Jan 2015 at NICU of Emam
Reza Hospital, Mashhad, Iran. Two samples were taken by head nurse weekly. If the culture was positive after disinfection of devices
another’s culture was taken.
: From 155 samples, 66 samples were sterile (42/6%) and 89 (57/4%) contaminated. Common organisms were Gram positive
non pathogen (25/8%),
coagulase negative (12/9%) and
Staphylococcus aureus
: This study shows that the common contaminable organisms are same as nosocomial organisms at our NICU and
common contaminated places are incubator and personal hands.
: Attention to disinfection of incubators and hands washing at NICU will be very important factors for
contamination control.
Ahmad Shah Farhat is currently an Assistant Professor of Neonatology. He has completed Neonatology Subspecialty from Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
He is a Vice Chancellor of Neonatal Research Center in this university since 2006 and Consultant Neonatologist of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit since 1992. He has
published 66 papers in local and international journal, 19 books, 120 participation in national and international congress with lecture and poster presentation. He was a
Member of 50 national scientific organs during last 23 years. He has 10 scientific honors in pediatric and neonatology.
farhata@mums.ac.irAhmad Shah Farhat et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:4(Suppl)