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Volume 4, Issue 5(Suppl)

J Infect Dis Ther

ISSN: 2332-0877 JIDT, an open access journal

Page 46

Euro Infectious Diseases 2016

September 05-06, 2016



Infectious Diseases

September 05-06, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany



Euro-Global Conference on

Epidemiology status of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Morocco

Sebti Faiza

1, 4

, Hakkour Maryam

1, 2

, Hmamouch Asmae

1, 3

, El Alem Mohamed Mahmoud

1, 2

, Bekhti Khadija


, Fellah Hajiba

1, 2

, Sadak Abderrahim







National Institute of Hygiene, Morocco


Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco


Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco


Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco


n Morocco, the number of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) cases is increasing over time and space with a total of 52 among 75

provinces. Both CL due to

L. major


L. tropica

are widespread in Morocco. CL due to

L. infantum

was sporadically represented

in this country. However, the intersection of some clinical aspects between the three species of Leishmania and the possibility

of polymorphism makes monitoring of the disease difficult which requires molecular studies. Therefore, the National Reference

Laboratory of Leishmaniasis (NRLL) has performed epidemio-molecular studies to identify the circulating parasite species of

leishmaniasis by PCR-ITS1-RFLP and to know its recent distribution. Results for these molecular studies have shown the presence

none sporadic of

L. infantum


L. tropica

. It is marked by an important number of cases and large geographical distribution

in the north of country within foci of visceral leishmaniasis such as Taza, Sidi Kacem and Ouazzane provinces. Also, the NRLL

has performed temporal and spatial distribution of CL due to

L. tropica

in endemic provinces and those recently affected by CL.

This species was identified in several sectors and localities of the most affected provinces which prove the extension of the disease.

These studies have shown that L.


which was limited to rural and semi-urban was extended to urban areas. Following the

increase of CL cases due to

L. major

in 2010 with 6729, the national program has developed the response plan which allowed an

important decrease of cases (460 in 2014). The molecular investigations showed the presence of

L. tropica

with low density beside

some persistent cases of

L. major

. Finally, the molecular studies seem to be important since it allows the identification of new foci and

the coexistence of multiple Leishmania species belonging to different provinces and sectors. These studies are the first step towards a

better knowledge of disease evolution and consequently a better control and surveillance.

J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:5(Suppl)