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Volume 4, Issue 5(Suppl)

J Infect Dis Ther

ISSN: 2332-0877 JIDT, an open access journal

Page 42

Euro Infectious Diseases 2016

September 05-06, 2016



Infectious Diseases

September 05-06, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany



Euro-Global Conference on

Delivery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipids using chitosan nanoparticles induce potent cytokine and

antibody response through activation of γδ T-cells in mice

Ishani Das


Avinash Sonawane


National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, India


Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, India


ctivation of cell mediated and humoral immune responses to

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(Mtb), the causative agent of

tuberculosis (TB), are critical for protection. For decades, most studies regarding immunity to TB are focused mainly on

proteins. In recent years, increasing evidences have shown that Mtb cell wall lipids act as potent adjuvants as well as antigens capable

of activating specific T-cells through their presentation by CD1 molecules and also induce IgM, IgA and IgG antibody responses.

However unlike proteins, delivery and presentation of lipid antigens is a major challenge. Herein, we have used chitosan nanoparticles

(NPs) as Mtb lipid delivery system and showed that chitosan NP mediated delivery of Mtb lipids induce potent cytokine and antibody

responses in immunized mice. Chitosan NP delivered Mtb lipids induced the release of most prominent cytokines associated with

Th1 (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2) and Th2-type (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-13) immune responses in mice lymphatic and spleen cells as compared

to immunogenic Mtb purified protein derivative (PPD) and chitosan NPs alone. Moreover, mice immunized with Mtb lipid coated

chitosan NPs showed significantly higher levels of IgG, IgG1 and IgM and a moderate increase in IgG2a antibodies as compared to

Mtb lipid liposomes and chitosan NP immunized mice. In conclusion, this study represents a promising new strategy for efficient

delivery of Mtb lipids to trigger enhanced cell mediated and antibody response against Mtb infection.

J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:5(Suppl)

Questionnaire triagingmodel adopted in rapid screening patients who are suspected to have Ebola infection

Jin Li, Tao Yan, Jinsong Mu, Enqiang Qin, Ye Wang, Liying Liu


Dan Wu

302 Military Hospital, China

Introduction & Aim

: Ebola disease (EVD) is a fetal viral infectious disease with case fatality as high as 90%. Early discriminating

patients on admission into high risk or low risk are of extremely important, thus the patients can be delivered to corresponding

isolation areas to avoid Ebola viral cross transmission. However, diagnostic lab results of patients are difficultly obtained at first,

especially during the early period of outbreak. A questionnaire triaging model was designed and then applied in a holding center in

Sierra Leone successfully during the outbreak 2014.


: Medical histories of the patients were collected on admission according to case investigation form made by ‘WHO’,

including 21 symptoms. The patients were diagnosed to have or not to have EVD 2 to 3 days after admission based on results of RT-

PCR. Symptoms between the EVD and non-EVD patients were analyzed and compared. A criterion of screening the patients was

made based on the results of date analysis.


: The total symptoms of EVD patients were significantly higher than those of non-EVD patients (9 vs. 5.5; p<0.001). Cut-

off value was 6, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 70.4, 76.1, 87.4 and 52.2 %

respectively. We assigned suspected patients to high risk area if the amount of their symptoms were equal or greater than 6; or to

low risk area if less than 6. Patients were separated by space in both quarantine areas according to the Sierra Leone Emergency

Management Program Standard Operating Procedures for Managing Ebola Virus Disease in Holding Centers. By the end of our work

in Sierra Leone, there was no patient of cross transmission reported under this triaging model.


: Questionnaire triaging model is efficient in screening suspected EVD patients in highly epidemic regions, which could

be reference in patient management for other fetal infectious diseases. Even though clinical manifestations of EVD patients are

generally non-specific, the amount of all symptoms could be of more diagnostic value.