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Volume 4, Issue 5(Suppl)

J Infect Dis Ther

ISSN: 2332-0877 JIDT, an open access journal

Page 43

Euro Infectious Diseases 2016

September 05-06, 2016



Infectious Diseases

September 05-06, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany



Euro-Global Conference on

Assessment of pathogenicity and tissue distribution of infectious bronchitis virus strains (Italy 02 genotype)

isolated from Moroccan broiler chickens

Khadija Khataby

1, 2

, Faouzi Kichou


, Chafiqa Loutfi


and My Mustapha Ennaji



University Hassan II Mohammedia, Morocco


Society Biopharma, Morocco


Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco


vian infectious bronchitis (IB) is one of the most important viral diseases of poultry, affecting chickens of all ages and causing

major economic losses in poultry flocks. The aim of this study is to evaluate pathogenicity and tissue distribution of Moroccan

Italy 02 genotype of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Total 40 one day old specific pathogen free chickens were divided randomly

into four groups. Group-1, 2 and 3 were inoculated intra oculo-nasally with 103.5 EID50 of virus and Group-4 was kept as control.

Chickens in each group were monitored for 14 days post-infection (dpi). Chickens in all infected groups showed severe respiratory

signs which most of them have been reproduced on 2 dpi with varying times of appearance and disappearance. The infected birds

appeared lethargic, reluctant to move with specific respiratory signs and macroscopic lesions. The specific histological lesions

developed in all infected birds, confirm the ability of the three tested strains to induce severe respiratory disease. The results at 14

dpi also revealed that all strains were able to induce serological response. Virus re-isolation from infected organs and amplification

of the viral RNA by real-time PCR proved the presence of the virus in lung and trachea of infected chicks. Neither re-isolation nor

significant viral RNA detection were detected in the kidney. These results demonstrated that the three strains Italy 02 genotype

emerging in Moroccan poultry farms have a wide distribution for respiratory system without kidney damage and without causing


J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:5(Suppl)

Ulceroglandular tularemia: Clinical course and outcome in 5 cases

Liliya Markova Pekova

1, 2

, P Parusheva


, M Fartunova


, N Dimitrov



I Tomova



Trakia University, Bulgaria


University Hospital Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


Ministry of Health, Bulgaria


: Tularemia is an acute febrile zoonosis, which is potential life threatening disease. The most popular clinical form is


Materials & Methods

: In a period of 8 months (December 2014-July 2015) through the Clinic of Infectious diseases of University

Hospital Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 5 patients with ulceroglandular form of Tularemia were passed; they were 4 men and 1 woman, aged

from 52 to 73 years. Clinical, epidemiological, laboratorial and serological investigations were provided.

Results & Discussion

: Three of patients were hunters, fired wild rabbits and the rest two took part in breaking up and cooking

the game. After an incubation period mean 4.8±1.4 days in all was appeared a primary affect in region of the fingers. Three had

redness in eyes, on face and oropharynx. Later on the toxic syndrome a regional painful lymphadenitis was appeared. Two patients

had dyspeptic syndrome with vomiting and diarrhea, no appetite. All had enlarged liver, two had scanty maculopapular rash. The

diagnosis was proved by degree agglutination type Vidal at the Referent Laboratory of Particularly Dangerous Infection, National

Center of Infectious, Parasite Diseases, Sofia. The antibacterial treatment was a combination of 4-quinolones and aminoglycosides.

The outcome was favorable in all patients.


: Because tularemia is not so common disease, it could be easy left out. It must be suspected when there were unusual

temperature, redness in eyes and glandular syndrome with corresponding epidemiological situation.