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Volume 9, Issue 9 (Suppl)

J Cancer Sci Ther, an open access journal

ISSN: 1948-5956

World Cancer 2017

October 19-21, 2017

Page 40







October 19-21, 2017 | Rome, Italy

Lloyd Jenkins, J Cancer Sci Ther 2017, 9:9(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/1948-5956-C1-111

Your health is in your gut – Megasporebiotics rediscovered


linics are finding that up to 90% of health problems are resolved when the microbiome of the gut is corrected resorted.

The father of medicine Hippocrates said that “Your health is in your gut”. We are more bacteria than human! — 10 trillion

human cells vs. 100 trillion bacteria cells. There are over 1,000 different species of commensal organisms in the GIT out of

35,000 possible. In developed parts of the world due to the diet of many processed foods we tend to suffer more from digestive

issues and auto-immune diseases. Distinct Distal Gut Microbiome Diversity and Composition in Healthy Children from

Bangladesh and the United States found that: The distal gut of Bangladeshi children harbored significantly greater bacterial

diversity than that of U.S. children, including novel lineages from several bacterial phyla.Human gut microbiota community

structures in urban and rural populations in Russia “the original microbial community structures occurred in hosts from urban

populations 2.6-fold less frequently than in the rural hosts, which implies that the rural population’s microbiota community

was the healthy original”. Some of the last hunter-gatherer people on earth who live an ancient, ancestral life.

Their environment hasn’t changed for 1000s of years and they have a massive exposure to ancestral microbial community. They

have a vastly different microbiota compared to westernized populations. In fact, virtually no common digestive diseases such

as Crohn’s, UC, Colon Cancer, Reflux, etc. found in these parts of world that live on life natural foods.A new study by scientists

at the University of California has found that contents of many bifidobacterial probiotic products differ from the ingredients

listed. After testing 16 probiotic products available in local Californian stores and also online, they found only one of the

products exactly matched the bifidobacterial species claims on the label. Some products had pill to pill and lot to lot variation.

35 strains from commercial products were studied. Primarily lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. There were studies

done to evaluate the survivability of common probiotics through the GIT. Only 4 of 35 strains would survive to enter the large

intestine and the survivors would have less than 50% survival.

We are not aware of any other probiotic that has demonstrated the ability to fix dysbiosis. Thus, addressing the root cause of

many diseases. We have worked with a lot patient going through chemotherapy, and oncologists often prohibit using probiotics

but not sporebiotics. We work closely with the OncANP which is the Association of Naturopathic oncologist and they utilize

the product on patients undergoing chemo to reduce the diarrhea and damage to the microbiome. It is used routinely here in

the States for that purpose. We have not seen any adverse reactions thus far. We titrate the patients up as we normally do, but

have had success with this application.


Lloyd Jenkins is a certified Naturopath and founder of the Budwig Cancer Clinic in Malaga, Southern Spain. He received authorization from Dr. Johanna Budwig in August

2000 to use her protocol for treating people with all types of cancer. He has written seven books and literally hundreds of articles on how to treat cancer and all common

diseases using natural therapies. He has also been on radio talk shows and has spoken at Health Care seminars and events.

Lloyd Jenkins

Budwig Center, Spain