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Volume 9, Issue 9 (Suppl)

J Cancer Sci Ther, an open access journal

ISSN: 1948-5956

World Cancer 2017

October 19-21, 2017




October 19-21, 2017 | Rome, Italy

An overview of the use of natural compounds to reduce drug resistance in cancer therapy: The role

of polysaccharide krestin

Manuela Boyle

University of New England, Australia

Introduction & Aim

: Cancer cells are better able to adapt to stress than normal cells. In cancer treatment, this adaptation

results in tumor cells that develop cancer resistance to chemotherapy drugs. This event is usually the primary obstacle to

successful treatment. Finding themselves in a state of high alert, cancer cells have the ability to express resistance not only to

drugs they have been exposed to, but to any other noxious agent. Multi-drug resistance is a protection mechanism that can

lead to failure of the conventional cancer treatment. Research shows that natural compounds can reverse drug resistance by

inhibition of P-glycoprotein, inhibition of glutathione S-transferase drug detoxification system and inhibition of heat-shock

proteins. There is ample evidence suggesting that selected natural compounds can produce cytotoxic effects in cancer cell

through several mechanisms and that, when they are combined with chemotherapy drugs, these effects are often additive or



: A review of randomized controlled trails of the mechanisms by which cancer cells, exposed to chemotherapy, have

the ability to devise strategies for resistance and survival. This study involves the research of EBSCO, MEDLINE, and PubMed

from 1992 to 2012 to retrieve suitable articles. Five double blind placebo controlled clinical human and animal studies were



: All the control studies conducted in large multi-centre trials, confirmed improvement in patient survival on a

dose of 3 grams of PSK per day orally unless noted. 262 postoperative stomach cancer patients were randomized to receive

chemotherapy or chemotherapy and PSK. The addition of PSK increased the five-year disease-free rate (from 59% to 71%) and

the five year survival rate (from 60% to 73%). 462 patients with curatively resected colon cancer were randomized to receive

chemotherapy or chemotherapy plus PSK. The latter combination increased the eight-year disease free rate (from about 7.8%

to 28 %) and ten year survival rate (from 19% to 36%). 278 patients with stage II aT2N1 estrogen-dependent breast cancer were

randomized to receive chemotherapy or chemotherapy. The administration of PSK increased the five year survival rate (from

81% to 96%). Disease-free survival also increased. 38 patients with nasopharyngeal cancer who were treated with radiotherapy,

with or without chemotherapy, were randomized to receive PSK or no PSK. The addition of PSK increased survival rate (from

15 to 35 months). The PSK dose was 1 gram per day orally.


: Dose-dependent of Polysaccharide-K (PSK) has shown anti-cancer potential in combination with conventional

therapies due to a combination of immune stimulation and inhibition of immuno suppressive cytokines.


Manuela Boyle is an Australian Integrative Oncologist with board certification by the Institute of Integrative Medicine (USA). With over 20 years of clinical experience

in Integrative Medical centres in Australia, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore, she is a leading integrative oncology educator delivering training and mentoring to

medical doctors and allied health practitioners. She is a regularly invited guest speaker at key conferences around the globe and is the published author of several

peer-reviewed papers. In 2015, she was accepted as an external expert by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm, Sweden, an

honorary position aimed to provide independent scientific opinions, expert advice, data and information and to maintain scientific excellence at all times through the

best expertise available. She is the Director of Vingyana Integrative Oncology Clinic in Sri Lanka, a state of the art technology and residential medical centre, while

maintaining her presence at her clinics in Milano, London and the Gold Coast (Australia).

Manuela Boyle, J Cancer Sci Ther 2017, 9:9(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/1948-5956-C1-111