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Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials | ISSN: 2155-952X | Volume: 8
World Biotechnology Congress
December 03-04, 2018 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Augmentation of the immune response of Atlantic salmon through the oral delivery of alginate
encapsulated salmon rickettsial septicaemia antigens
Daniela Sotomayor Gerding
, Jose Miguel Troncoso
Monica Rubilar Díaz
University of La Frontera, Chile
Cargill Innovation Center, Chile
almon rickettsial septicaemia (SRS) is the infectious disease that produces the highest losses in the Chilean salmon industry.
Disease outbreaks continue to emerge despite the use of vaccines and antibiotics.Therefore, as a new strategy for the control
of SRS outbreaks, in this study we evaluated the effect of Alginate-Encapsulated SRS Antigens (AESA) incorporated in the
feed as an oral vaccine to induce the immune response of Atlantic salmon. 960 healthy Atlantic salmon (40g) were distributed
into three groups (Injectable vaccine, oral vaccine high dose, oral vaccine low dose) with four tanks being assigned to each
group. The feed intake was assessed during the entire trial. To evaluate the effect of the experimental feed on the fish immune
system, blood samples were taken at four sampling points (0 degree days post vaccination (DD), 300DD, 600DD and 800DD).
P. salmonis
specific IgM levels in blood plasma were measured by ELISA. During the vaccination period, the feed intake
rates were 100% for all groups indicating that the addition of AESA did not affect the palatability of the fish feed. The oral
vaccine effectively enhanced the immune response of fish. There was a significant increase in the IgM levels at 800DD for both
experimental groups. Furthermore, there were no significant differences when comparing the IgM levels of the experimental
groups with those of the injectable vaccine. These findings suggest that AESA incorporated in the feed can be an effective
alternative to enhance the immune response in Atlantic salmon.
Daniela Sotomayor Gerding is a fourth year student in the Doctoral Program in Sciences of Natural Resources, at University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. She has
a Master's degree in Engineering Sciences and has a professional degree in Civil Engineering in Biotechnology. She has focused her research on the development
of new oral delivery systems for bioactive compounds through microencapsulation techniques and she is currently working in collaboration with the company Cargill
Aqua Nutrition in the development of a new oral delivery system for immunostimulants against Pisciricketsia salmonis infections in Atlantic salmon.
c.medina04@ufromail.clDaniela Sotomayor Gerding et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume: 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C7-107