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Volume 7

Traditional and Restorative Medicine & Neuropharmacology 2018 | August 27-29, 2018

Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy | ISSN : 2573-4555

conferenceseries LLC Ltd


Global Summit on

Traditional & Restorative Medicine



World Congress on


Page 46

August 27-29, 2018 | Paris, France

Chioma N Adeyemi et al., J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2018, Volume:7

DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555-C1-002

Re-Think recovery


ood health is a product of good


such we are concerned about physical changes

in our bodies. Some of which includes; Skin issues (such as dry skin, age spots,

wrinkles, and saggy skin), Loss of sexual desire and/or sexual function, Joint discomfort,

stiffness, and/or swelling, Weakened muscles, Frail bones, Memory and other cognitive

issues, Declining vision and auditory skills, Decreased energy and increased fatigue, A

weakening immune system, leaving you sick more and more often, An underperforming

circulatory system, A cardiovascular system that just can’t support a truly active lifestyle

any longer, Hormonal decline, Feeling blue and moody, Dulling, thinning hair, Loss of

muscle tone and your youthful figure, Slowed metabolism and perpetual weight gain.

Effort is directed on how to provide the needed nourishment for the human cells, as such

promote and process organic herbs, spices and foods that contribute to the body's daily

requirements to heal certain health challenges as well. We grow some herbs, vegetables,

spices, foods and plants with medicinal values. Our processing steps include: Picking

flowers and leaves in the mornings for essential oils, selecting and washing all plant

materials, drying at required temperatures, milling to required powder size, packaging

and labeling finished products.


Chioma N Adeyemi is currently working in University of Jos at Nigeria. His research interests are Skin issues,

essential oils and traditional medicine etc.


Ezekiel O Afolabi

University of Jos, Nigeria

Chioma N Adeyemi

University of Jos, Nigeria