Volume 7
Traditional and Restorative Medicine & Neuropharmacology 2018 | August 27-29, 2018
Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy | ISSN : 2573-4555
conferenceseries LLC Ltd
Global Summit on
Traditional & Restorative Medicine
World Congress on
Page 34
August 27-29, 2018 | Paris, France
Natural medicine – How to separate the snake oil from helpful remedies?
his abstract is not so much a research project or a double-blind study but instead it is
the application of adding natural medicines and other alternative practices to a large
self-funded medical plan. After 19 years of implementing: Natural medicine, Prolozone,
PRP, Stem cell therapy, Acupuncture, Opioid management, transparent surgical solutions
and then measuring the outcomes, I wanted to know if these types of approaches could
lower the medical trend and make employees healthier. The answer was a resounding,
“YES!” In 1999, I completed a study proving that natural medicine added in the correct
way could reduce medical costs, saving $10.40 for every dollar spent. Employees reported
a 75% reduction in symptoms and their children experienced a 93% reduction. Prolozone,
PRP and Stem cell therapy was highly successful in eliminating many surgeries and
provided savings to both the medical plan and the patient. A simple injection versus a
surgery. The pain management program was created when a friend’s son died from an
opioid, muscle relaxant overdose. Usage under the program dropped by 40% with no
reported adverse events. More important than the savings in dollars was the savings in
human capital. A transparent medical model is the only way we should purchase medical
care. How many of us would buy a home or car without knowing the cost? This solution
saved over $400,000 in a 3.5-year period. Medical costs are rising twice as fast as inflation
and if we do not fix this problem it will bankrupt us.
Douglas Younker has completed his BS in Human Resources. He has become a pioneer in forward thinking,
blending natural medicine into traditional medical plans. Companies who administered his plans have stated
that it has some of the lowest Medical/Rx costs of all plans they manage. He has presented at Stanford
Medicine X, Los Angeles, Nashville, Phoenix, Chicago, Boston, Houston, Minneapolis, and Atlanta. He has
spoken at AMCP/PBMI conferences on opioid management. He served on the Utah Council for Worksite
Health Promotion, Governor’s Taskforce to Reform Healthcare. He has served on Steering Committees at
Oregon State University, and Utah State University.
dgyounker@aol.comDouglas Younker, J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2018, Volume:7
DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555-C1-001
Douglas Younker
Coba Health, USA