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Volume 4

Toxicology: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067

Toxicology Congress 2018

March 12-14, 2018

March 12-14, 2018 Singapore



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

AFLATOX: A biotechnological approach for the development of new antifungal compounds to

protect the environment and the human health

Annamaria Buschini


, Serena Montalbano


, Marianna Pioli


, Fancesca Degola


, Giorgio Pelosi


, Franco Bisceglie


, Nicolò Orsoni


, Mauro Carcelli



Jennifer Bartoli


, Francesco M Restivo


, Dominga Rogolino


, Claudia Zani


and Donatella Feretti



University of Parma, Italy


University of Brescia, Italy


he aim of the Aflatox project


) is the development of an innovative biotechnological multi-step approach

to design and test new compounds with a biological activity on fungi. The full-experimental database that we have been

creating constitutes a powerful source of data to identify important requirements to be taken into account for the development

of new generation pesticides, responding to “greener” and environmentally sustainable agricultural strategies. In particular, the

compounds must be active against phytopathogenic genera contaminating cereals and food/feed derivatives, with a particular

focus on aflatoxigenic species. The requirements to become a good candidate, are not only the high effectiveness in preventing

fungal proliferation and mycotoxin biosynthesis, but also the non-toxicity for the environment and the human health. The

project has been divided into three different sections: the first is the design and synthesis of some parent compounds from

natural molecules, the second is the study of their biological effect and cytotoxicity, and the third is the chemical modification

of the most active compounds in order to study the mechanism of action and to improve the biological activity. In particular,

in this last stage of the project, the compounds which had shown good results were modified not only in their chemical

scaffold, but also used as chelating agents for bio-metal ions like zinc, copper or iron. At present, we have managed to create

a database containing a panel of 162 compounds which have been synthesized, characterised and tested for antifungal and

antimicotoxigenic properties. Toxicological and genotoxicological evaluation were conducted on normal human cell lines and

A. cepa root apex. All these data have been collected in a database that will allow us to produce Q-SAR (Quantitative structure-

activity relationship) evaluation profiles.

Recent Publications

1. Perotti A, Rossi V, Mutti A, Buschini A (2015) Methy-sens Comet assay and DNMTs transcriptional analysis as a combined

approach in epigenotoxicology.



2. Degola F, Morcia C, Bisceglie F, Mussi F, Tumino G, Ghizzoni R, Pelosi G, Terzi V, Buschini A, Restivo FM, Lodi T


In vitro

evaluation of the activity of thiosemicarbazone derivatives against mycotoxigenic fungi affecting cereals.

International Journal of Food Microbiology;


3. Zani C, Bisceglie F, Restivo FM, Feretti D, Pioli M, Degola F, Montalbano S, Galati S, Pelosi G, Viola GVC, Carcelli M,

Rogolino D, Ceretti E, Buschini A (2017) A battery of assays as an integrated approach to evaluate fungal and mycotoxin

inhibition properties and cytotoxic/genotoxic side-effects for the prioritization in the screening of thiosemicarbazone


Food and Chemical Toxicology;


4. Rogolino D, Gatti A, Carcelli M, Pelosi G, Bisceglie F, Restivo FM, Degola F, Buschini A, Montalbano S, Feretti D, Zani

C (2017) Thiosemicarbazone scaffold for the design of antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic agents: evaluation of ligands and

related copper complexes.

Scientific Reports;


5. Dellafiora L, Perotti A, Galaverna G, Buschini A, Dall'Asta C (2016) On the masked mycotoxin zearalenone-14-glucoside.

Does the mask truly hide?




Annamaria Buschini is a genotoxicologist. Her main research interests are environmental mutagenicity and the study of the toxicological profile of drugs/

phytochemicals. From the beginning of her research career, she worked on eukaryotic model-systems to study the interaction between xenobiotics (environmental

pollutants, drugs, etc) and the cellular environment. One of the goals of this long-term project was to build up and validate screening systems able to detect

different mutagenic events at the molecular level for a quantitative/qualitative evaluation of the “genetic hazard”. In recent years, she has been involved in

epigenotoxicological studies.

Annamaria Buschini et al., Toxicol Open Access 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2067-C1-006