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Volume 3, Issue 1 (Suppl)

Toxicol Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067 TYOA, an open access journal

Toxicology Congress 2017

April 13-15, 2017

Page 57





April 13-15, 2017 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

A novel solution for ongoing medicolegal problem: Online Traceable Authenticated Reliable Result

(OTARR) - Unique electronic application from Dammam Poison Control Center


he development of online computerized medical record database has in general complied with the actual needs and

conditions in the modern healthcare system to deal with tremendously increasing medical emergencies. As poisoning is

a known grave medical emergency, from here came the need to initiate and update OTARR (Online Traceable Authenticated

Reliable Result); a pioneer computerized toxicological database in the medically revolutionized Saudi Kingdom. Dammam

Poison Control Center (DPCC) has medicolegal intimate services; and the result of analysis and consultation should be secure,

concise, fast and at the same time comprehensive. OTARR is a novel online multi - purpose web application that is freely

available on both intra (Ministry of Health network), and internet as a toxicology and medicolegal secure resource.


Sahar Y Issa has completed her Doctorate degree in Clinical Toxicology & Forensic Medicine in 2008, from Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt

and is a Lecturer of Clinical Toxicology & Forensic Medicine in the same University. She is currently a Consultant Toxicologist and Medical Director, supervising

Emergency Toxicology, Molecular Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring units in Dammam Poison Control Center, MOH - Saudi Arabia. She has published

more than 25 papers in reputed journals and serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.

Sahar Y Issa

Alexandria University, Egypt

Sahar Y Issa, Toxicol Open Access 2017, 3:1 (Suppl)

Figure (1):

Maha Smart Kit (MSK); adulteration detection

container and radio-frequency identification technology.

Figure (2):

Adulteration detection container, RFID container

and RFID smart fridge