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Volume 8, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Cell Sci Ther

ISSN: 2157-7013 JCEST, an open access journal

Stem Cell Research 2017

March 20-22, 2017

March 20-22, 2017 Orlando, USA



World Congress and Expo on

Cell & Stem Cell Research

J Cell Sci Ther 2017, 8:1 (Suppl)

Application of neural stem cells to assess general anesthetic-induced neurotoxicity

Fang Liu and Cheng Wang

National Center for Toxicological Research/Food and Drug Administration, USA


very year, approximately 6 million children in US and 2% of pregnant women in North America undergo general anesthesia.

There is an increasing concern about the potential adverse effects of anesthetics on the developing brain. Neural stem cells

(NSCs) are able to recapitulate most critical events of CNS development

in vivo

and, therefore, represent a valuable

in vitro

model for

evaluating xenobiotic-induced developmental neurotoxicity. The potential toxic effects of ketamine and propofol and two commonly

used pediatric anesthetics were examined using NSCs and NSC-derived neural cells. NSCs were harvested from gestational day (GD)

16 rat brain and confluent cell cultures were exposed to either ketamine or propofol at different doses and durations, followed by

systematic evaluation of cytotoxicity. At clinically-relevant doses, propofol resulted in a significant reduction of NSC viability and

proliferation rate, whereas ketamine did not show such effects. The different results may be attributed to the different mechanisms

through which they cause neurotoxic effects: ketamine-induced neuronal damage was detected after NSCs differentiated. These data

suggest that anesthetic-induced neurotoxicity depends upon the concentrations of drugs used, the durations of exposure, the receptor

subtype activated and the developmental stages at the time of exposure.