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Volume 6, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
SNOC 2016
December 08-09, 2016
Sports Nutrition and Ortho Congress
December 08-09, 2016 | Philadelphia, USA
J Sports Med Doping Stud 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-0673.C1.009Effect of treadmills versus cycle ergometer on selected cardiovascular parameters in young athletes
Abeer Ahmed Abdelhameed
University of Sharjah, UAE
Increase in the rate of sudden death among the elite athletes over the past few years highlights the issues regarding
protocol of training.
The purpose of the study is to compare between the effects of two different exercises testing tools on selective cardiopulmonary
parameters in young athletes.
In this study, 30 young male athletes with an age ranged from 18-25 were considered.
Two tests were performed for each participant with 24 hours at least in between. First test was on treadmill following Bruce
protocol for 20 min, second test was on cycle ergometer protocol for 20 min.
The present study showed a marked significant difference of the effect of treadmill exercise test compared to cycle ergometer
test on selected cardiopulmonary parameters, statistical results showed increase in all of the heart rate, systolic blood pressure, SaO2,
rate pressure product and rating of perceived exertion in treadmill testing compared to the cycling ergometer testing.
The study revealed that using treadmill impose greater load on cardio than the cycle ergometer.
aabdelhamed@sharjah.ac.aeAssessment of knowledge and dietary practices of football players at football clubs inHawassa city, Ethiopia
Addisalem Mesfin
Hawassa University, Ethiopia
ost nutrition related studies done in developing countries like Ethiopia focuses on women and children. In Ethiopia, there is no
trend of hiring nutrition consultant for football clubs even at national football team level. Currently, no published research is
available to enforce the federation as well the sport club managements. A cross sectional study was conducted on a total of 76 football
players out of three clubs. Almost all interviewed players believe that nutrition is important for soccer players. When qualifying
questions on their nutrition knowledge is forwarded answers given by the players were varied and they have limited knowledge on
soccer focused nutrition. Almost all (94.8%) believe it is good if they have a nutritionist in their club. Almost half (53.2%) reported
they usually seek nutrition related information from different sources. Only 13% reported they took football focused nutrition
training. Almost three fourth of the players reported that they have a habit of reading nutrition related information on packed foods.
Majority (74%) reported that they don’t have a habit of consuming soft drinks and bottled water is reported as the most consumed
fluid before, during and after training/competition. Around 1/3 reported they have a habit eating 2hrs before training/competition,
26% before 3hrs and 19.5% before 4hrs mostly (80.6%) pasta and after training 46.8% usually eat meat, 41.6% pasta and 6.5% banana.
All the results support that players have limited knowledge and suboptimal nutrition practices so there is a need for a soccer focused
nutrition follow up based intensive training.