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Volume 6, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
SNOC 2016
December 08-09, 2016
Sports Nutrition and Ortho Congress
December 08-09, 2016 | Philadelphia, USA
Prospective study of ankle injury in high level athlete in INSEP: Incidence of the lesion of the distal
tibiofibular syndesmosis (DTFS)
Frey Alain
Papon Pierre
INSEP, France
The lesions of DFTS are often unknown during ankle trauma. We wanted to see the incidence of this lesion and to validate
the specific clinical signs.
Materials & Methods:
Between March, 2015 and March, 2016, we included any ankle trauma of our high-level sportsmen. They all
benefited from an initial clinical examination diligently of the Ottawa rules and an ultrasound realized in 3 days. If there was a lesion
of the AITFL in ultrasound, MRI and stress radiographies were realized. A protocol of treatment was proposed: functional treatment
if distension of AITFL, hiking boots if isolated rupture of AITFL, plaster if rupture of AITFL and lesion of inter osseous membrane
without diastasis, surgery if diastasis. All were seen again on day 8 with re-education, day 30 and between 4 and 6 months after their
126 ankle sprains were analyzed (77 M, 49 F) with 28 lesions of DFTS (22.2 %). On day 8, the sensibility and the specificity of
the main clinical signs were: AITFL palpation (0.94/0.86), lateral rotation test (0.72/0.97), dorsal flexion compression test (0.72/0.97),
squeeze test (0.24/0.97). In ultrasound as in MRI, besides the AITFL, are observed 8 inter-osseous membranes lesions, one PITFL
lesion, 2 anterior MCL lesions and 8 TFA lesions, 15 functional treatments, 8 hiking boots and 5 plasters. The return to sport at the
same level was made between 3 and 12 weeks according to the gravity.
This ligament lesion is frequent and affects several sports. The clinical examination repeated on day 8, coupled with
ultrasound, seems to be the best compromise to adapt the management.
Frey Alain is an Emergency and Sport Medicine Doctor. He is the Chief in the Medical Department of the French National Sport Institute (INSEP) in Paris. He was the Chief
of the Emergency Department in Poissy, Paris. He also works in the French Federation of Judo and Modern Pentathlon. He is the Member of the French Medical Committee
of the National Olympic Committee. He has participated in a lot of conferences on Emergency and Sport Medicine.
alain.frey@insep.frFrey Alain et al., J Sports Med Doping Stud 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)