Page 44
Volume 6, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Sports Med Doping Stud
ISSN: 2161-0673 JSMDS, an open access journal
SNOC 2016
December 08-09, 2016
Sports Nutrition and Ortho Congress
December 08-09, 2016 | Philadelphia, USA
Functional outcome of distal femoral shaft fractures after fixation with tibial nails
Siddieq Mohammed
Umm Al-Qura University, KSA
The objective of this study is to assess the functional outcome and the time of healing in supracondylar femur fractures
fixed with intramedullary tibial nail.
It was a randomized control trial study comprising of 25 patients with closed supracondylar femoral fractures operated
with tibial intramedullary nail in Al Noor Specialty Hospital during a period of four years (2009-2013). The functional outcome was
measured by Tegner Lysholm criteria during and after 4 years.
Out of 25 patients, 20 were male and 5 were female. The mean time of healing was 15.80 (2.646) weeks. 6 (24%) patients
showed excellent results, 12 (48%) patients showed good results and 7 (28%) patients showed fair results. There were no poor results
in our study.
Retrograde tibial nails are cheaper, convenient and comparable option for stabilizing the supracondylar fracture
compared to standard retrograde femoral nails.
Siddieq Mohammed has interest towards volunteering and Public Health Promotion. Furthermore, he was an Active Organizer in many events and conferences at Umm
Alqura University. He was the President of the Media Committee of the University Medical Student Club.
s.m.f@live.comSiddieq Mohammed, J Sports Med Doping Stud 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)