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Volume 4, Issue 7(Suppl)

J Infect Dis Ther 2016

ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal

Page 39


Skin Diseases & Microbiology 2016

October 03-05, 2016



October 03-05, 2016 Vancouver, Canada

International Conference on

Infectious Diseases, Diagnostic Microbiology &

Dermatologists Summit on Skin Infections

The global burden of atopic dermatitis

Devashri Mukherjee

Decision Resources Group, India


t Decision Resources Group, we specialize in forecasting trends in the global burden of diseases bolstered by extensive and

comprehensive literature review. Atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory disease characterized by intense itching and eczematous

lesions has become a common health problem affecting about 20% of children and 3% of adults worldwide. We base our report on

the internationally accepted ISAAC Phase III results to which we retrofitted curves looking at historical data and developed a robust

model to generate age and gender wise prevalence estimates for all ages. This model accounted for spontaneous remission as well as

the birth cohort effect, which is the observed higher disease risk in children than adults. The ISAAC study results capture a uniform

disease definition across all countries in our global estimates and allow for defensible and comparable rates of 12-month prevalence,

lifetime prevalence and drug treatable population which we present across the North and South American, European, Asia Pacific,

Middle East and African regions. We provide a snapshot of the worldwide prevalence indicating a worrisome rise in the low income

countries but almost plateauing in the high income countries. Our report highlights the variation amongst the population eligible

for drug treatment between high and low income countries. We also report the distribution of the disease based on its severity and

atopic association. Combined with our ten year forecast, our results facilitate identification of countries at risk and enablement of

opportunities for affordable promising therapies in those vulnerable countries.


Devashri Mukherjee has completed her Master’s in Public Health from the reputed Christian Medical College of Vellore in India. She is a Dental Surgeon by training and is

presently working as an Associate Epidemiologist at the Bangalore office of Decision Resources Group India. She holds 10 international publications to her credit.

Devashri Mukherjee, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:7(Suppl)