Volume 4, Issue 5
J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci
ISSN: 2376-032X JIMDS, an open access journal
Page 36
Restorative Dentistry 2016
October 20-21, 2016
October 20-21, 2016 Houston, USA
International Conference on
Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
David Mazza, J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci 2016, 4:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2376-032X.C1.001Optimum aesthetics
btaining optimum aesthetics in Dentistry is a multi factorial effort. Proper diagnosis and prognosis is an essential element
in this matter. A thorough evaluation of dental condition examining the teeth, gingival tissue, facial aesthetics, lip position
and occlusion along with patient’s expectation is crucial in obtaining satisfactory results. Followings will be discussed and
their role in establishement of a desirable result would be elaborated: Components of a desirable aesthetically pleasing smile;
Definition of Aesthetic and Cosmetic; Anatomy of a Smile; Pleasant and non-pleasing smiles, study of several cases; Esthetic
Smile: Teeth Color, Well-aligned Teeth, Adequate Tooth Display, Presence of all Teeth, Facial / Dental Symmetry, Facial /
Dental Harmony, Gingival Aesthetics, Lack of Discoloration and Pathology, Buccal Corridor, Facial Esthetics, Hard Tissue
Architecture, Soft Tissue Architecture, Facial Symmetry/Proportion; Psychological Effect of Esthetic Dentistry; Review of
Bonding mechanism and systems; Review of Porcelain/Ceramic systems; Tooth shape, Arch shape relationship; Periodontal
Biotype/Morphotoype; Natural Tooth Characterization : Fluorescence, Opalescence, Absorption, Reflection, Transmission,
Translucency; Aesthetic Dentistry a Team Work: Restorative, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics, Lab, Hygienist,
Active listening and comprehension of patient’s expectations; Comprehensive exam, Diagnostic wax-up,
Digital imaging, composite mock-up, Provisionalization; Characteristics of Anterior Maxillary Dentition; Phonetics; Zenith
points and their role in Diastema closure; Interdental Papilla; Anatomy of Gingival Contour; Teeth long axis; Interdental
Contact Points; Incisal Embrasures; Dominance; Young dentition vs. Aged dentition; Shade progression from central incisors
to premolars; Feminine vs. Masculine Smile; Lips and Lip line; Principles of Shade Selection; Principles of Shade Matching;
Review of Composite Systems; Review of Color Modifiers, Tints and Opaquers; 20 Pillars of Occlusion; Dental Implant
Esthetics; Placement of Facial margins to avoid recession; and Case studies and Treatment Planning.
David Mazza has completed his Post-doctoral training in the field of Operative and Aesthetic Dentistry at Boston University, School of Dental Medicine from 1994
to 1996. Since the year 2000, he has been serving as Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Maryland School of Dentistry as a part-time faculty member. He
is the Course Director for Dental Implants and Aesthetic Dentistry, Elective presentations of Office of Academic Affairs, University of Maryland, School of Dentistry.
He actively provides presentations in the field of Aesthetic Dentistry and Dental Implants.
drmazza@mazzadental.infoDavid Mazza
University of Maryland, USA