Page 62
Volume 08
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
Rehabilitation Medicine 2018
May 18-19, 2018
May 18-19, 2018 Osaka, Japan
World Congress on
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The comparison of activities limitation between individuals with unilateral and bilateral symptomatic
knee osteoarthritis based on the comprehensive ICF core set for OA
Patcharin Nilmart
Mahidol University, Thailand
his study aimed to compare the ability to perform activities between individuals with unilateral and bilateral knee
osteoarthritis (OA). Symptomatic knee OA in this study was identified by using the ACR clinical criteria for OA. 250
participants including 83 people with unilateral and 167 people with bilateral knee OA enrolled in this study. The characteristics
of participants consisting of age, BMI and duration of knee pain were recorded. Two performance tests including self-paced
walk (40 meter) and stair climb tests were performed. 23 ICF categories in activity and participation domain based on the
comprehensive ICF core set for OA were asked to report levels of difficulty. The results showed that there were no significant
differences of age and BMI between groups. The bilateral knee OA group had significantly longer duration of knee pain than
the unilateral knee OA group. The unilateral knee OA group demonstrated greater ability to perform both performance tests
than the bilateral knee OA group. Furthermore, scores of nine ICF categories had significant difference between groups.
Interestingly, maintaining a squatting, kneeling and side sitting positions, were reported to have the highest level of difficulty
in more than 80% of participants of both groups. In conclusion, the activities related to lower extremities performance were
affected from the pathology of knee OA. Bilateral knee OA resulted in greater limitation of some activities compared with
unilateral knee OA. Identification of activity limitations should be considered to direct physical therapy treatment goals for
knee OA.
patcharin.nilmart@gmail.comJ Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C2-027