Page 61
Volume 08
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
Rehabilitation Medicine 2018
May 18-19, 2018
May 18-19, 2018 Osaka, Japan
World Congress on
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical disability, range of motion and selected gait parameters in patients with unilateral knee
Olusegun O Ojedoyin and Adegoke B O A
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
steoarthritis is the most common joint disorder worldwide. In Nigeria, the most affected joint is the knee. There is
paucity of literature on the interrelationships among physical disability, range of motion and selected gait of knee OA
patients in Nigeria. This study is therefore to investigate the relationships between physical disability and knee flexion and
each of stride length, dynamic base of support, walking speed and stride time in patients with knee OA. The participants were
purposively sampled and recruited as they became available. The degree of physical disability was measured using Ibadan
knee/hip osteoarthritis outcome measure questionnaire (IKHOAM), with higher IKHOAM scores implying lesser physical
disability. Active knee flexion was measured using goniometer. Footprints of participants were recorded in a 10 m paper
walkway. Kinematic gait parameters were computed using the footprints within the central 6 m of the 10 m walkway. Pearson’s
product moment correlation was used to determine the correlation between the IKHOAM scores and degree, each of knee
flexion, between the IKHOAM scores and each of kinematic gait parameters and between range of knee flexion and each of
the kinematic gait parameters. The level of significance was set at 0.05 alpha. Results showed significant correlations between
physical disability and each of knee flexion (P=0.016, r=-0.336), stride time (P=0.023, r=+0.347), stride length (P=0.000, r=-
0.652), walking speed (P=0.000, r=-0.586). And between knee flexion and each of walking speed (p=0.009, r=0.396) and
stride time (p=0.029, r=-0.333). It was concluded that walking speed and stride time were the only kinematic parameters that
correlated with each of knee flexion and physical disability.
olusegunojedoyin@gmail.comJ Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C2-027