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Volume 08
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
Rehabilitation Medicine 2018
May 18-19, 2018
May 18-19, 2018 Osaka, Japan
World Congress on
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sonatherapy®: The medicine of the future
Gary Robert Buchanan
Steamboat Healing Center, USA
ithin the fields of regenerative medicine and therapeutics, pain medicine, restorative therapies (e.g. for endocrinal,
gastro-intestinal, geriatric and numerous other disorders) and general rehabilitation, Sonatherapy® is a unique, non-
invasive and rapidly evolving combinatorial approach of arts, science and technologies employing sound, light, color, water
and subtle energies within the emerging field of energy medicine and alternative therapeutics. Initial research and development
began with Dr. Buchanan in 1975 at the University of Washington, Seattle and has been practiced at Steamboat Healing Center
in Nevada since 2004. Hundreds of case studies for myriad conditions are on file, two textbooks published and distributed
globally, a training course established with students located at clinics on all major continents, with clients from around the
globe treated each week. Positive results have been documented since 2004. Sonatherapy® is an all-encompassing approach
based upon Cymatics, Syneregtics, Photo-Syntonics and Photon Therapy (Heliotherapy), Wave Front BIOresonance™, Acu-
Point/Acu-Pressure/Meridional/Bong-Han Duct networks, Fourth-Phase (EZ) Water Potentials and a host of related fields in
vibrational medicine. Conditions improved and ameliorated include every type of disease, e.g. from parkinsonism, organic
and neurological functions, autism, ADHD, musculoskeletal functions, hormonal and endocrine/alkaline-acidic balance to
treatments for eye conditions, glandular malfunctions, vagus nerve blockages, vertigo, uterine conditions and even simple gout.
The major crisis in modern medicine is the excessive use of pharmaceuticals for pain. Virtually, all Sonatherapy® treatments,
the immediate outcomes are reduction of pain, swelling, edema, inflammation, with improved circulation and detoxification.
Thus, this is the medicine of the future, worthy of further discussion and dissemination and an obvious solution to the opioid
epidemic which is now taking place.
sona@communityguilds.orgJ Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C2-027