Page 46
Volume 08
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
Rehabilitation Medicine 2018
May 18-19, 2018
May 18-19, 2018 Osaka, Japan
World Congress on
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Effects of rhythmic auditory cueing on stepping in place in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Hsiu Yun Chang
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
atients suffered from PD demonstrate internal rhythm dysfunction, thus lead to difficulty and irregularity in rhythmic
movements such as ambulation. In the clinical setting, auditory cues are often used to alleviate the rhythmic movement
symptoms. Stepping in place (SIP) is an alternative exercise program for the patients who do not have sufficient space or lack
of enough balance ability to perform ambulation training. However, few studies discussed the effects of SIP movement and
the differential effects on patients with or without freezing of gait. In this cross-over study, 21 patients with PD were recruited.
Each participant received two experiments: (1) Stepping in place with concurrent auditory cues (AC condition), (2) Stepping
in place without any auditory cue (NC condition). In each experiment, subjects were asked to step 50 steps per session, totally
10 sessions. The rhythmic auditory cue was set at 110% of step frequency. Assessments consisted of stepping in place test
and walking. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied for within group comparison and Mann-Whitney U test was used for
between-group comparison. The results demonstrated that the stepping variability decreased significantly (AC: p=0.033, NC:
p=0.009) and the walking cadence increased (AC: p=0.019, NC: p=0.0023) no matter there were auditory cues or not. The
freezers further showed decreased walking variability in both conditions. Therefore, SIP training may be beneficial to patients
with PD, especially the freezers. The dosage of auditory cueing SIP training should be further investigated.
Hsiu Yun Chang has completed her Master’s degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. She is specialized in Neurological Physical Therapy, especially the
ambulation problems and auditory cueing in PD. She is currently a Research Assistant in National Taiwan University and In-Charge of the study about transcranial
direct current stimulation.
conniechang0712@gmail.comHsiu Yun Chang, J Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C2-027