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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-7964

Radiology and Oncology 2017

October 19-20, 2017

World Congress on

October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA

Radiology and Oncology

Analysis of accident characteristics of nuclear research facilities at KAERI for emergency planning

Goanyup Lee

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea


he Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) operates nuclear research facilites such as a nuclear research reactor with

30MWth power, a fuel fabrication facility treating 19.75% enrichment uranium, and a hot-cell facilities to produce radioistopes.

All of these licensed facilities by the nuclear regulatory body need emergency plans against an accident. The emegency plan should be

based on the hazard assessment of the facilities, and thus all accidents described in safety analysis reports and the accident experiences

around the world were reviewed. After this review, the most severe accident scenarios for each nuclear facility were selected to

simulate the radiation impact to workers around the facilities and the public off the KAERI site. The simulation was implemented

by using computer code, that is, ORIGEN2, MELCOR, MACCS2, and Microshield10. First, the inventory accumulated during

operation in reactor fuels was calculated using the ORIGEN2 code. Second, the building structure, flow path, and heat structure

were designed as input data for the MELCOR code. Third, accident scenarios such as energy supply to a space involving an accident,

radioactive material evaporation, and wind pressure loaded to the building walls by winds outside were designed as MELCOR input

data. After that, the simulation using the MELCOR code to analyze radioactive material behavior in the building and leakage into

the environment was implemented, and through this simulation, the source-term was also produced. Fourth, the effectiveness of

the emergency response scenario such as sheltering in doors or evacuation was simulated using the MACCS2 code based on the

source-term produced by the MELCOR code and one-year meteorological data collected from meteological tower at the KAERI

site. Based on the results, it was confirmed that the fission product release into the reactor hall by a fuel channel blockage accident at

the research reactor will remain inside the reactor hall even under typhoon conditions, and that a proper evacuation radius for each

accident condition was selected as 300 m for the research reactor, 100 m for the fuel fabrication facilicy, and the builing boundary for

the hot-cell facility.


Goanyup Lee has obtained his Bachelor’s dergee in Chemical Engineering at Chonbuk National University in Korea, He has 23 years of experience in nuclear emergency

preparedness. Currently, he is the Manager of the nuclear emergeney preparedness team at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.

Goanyup Lee, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-015