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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-7964

Radiology and Oncology 2017

October 19-20, 2017

World Congress on

October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA

Radiology and Oncology

3 Recently discovered non-invasive, early, quick, screening & diagnostic methods of early stage of cancers using:

1) visible & invisible changes of organ representation area of face including eyebrows, nose, and upper & lower

lips, 2) one page ‘Mouth, Hand, & Foot Writing Form’ completed by each patient, 3) rapidly changing part of

QRS-Complex of recorded ECGs


sing organ representation areas of various parts of the body, particularly the face including eyebrows, nose, and upper & lower lips,

without knowing anything about the patient, we can non-invasively often estimate potential abnormalities including cancers and

cardiovascular problems. When any abnormality exists in specific internal organs, we can always find visible or invisible abnormalities on

the corresponding organ representation areas of the face. About 7 years ago, the author found different parts of the eyebrows represent

different internal organs. For example, eyebrownearest tonose represents cardiovascular system. Lateral endareaof the eyebrowrepresents

esophagus and stomach. When part of the eyebrow becomes white, it is often early stage of disease. When the problem advances, the hair

starts disappearing at corresponding area of eyebrow(s). When there is a malignancy, often abnormal, deep crease or dark pigmentation

appears at abnormal organ representation areas of the face. The ala of the nose indicates pancreas & if it has BDORT of -7 or higher

negative value, pancreatic cancer must be suspected. If there is a deep, horizontal crease under the lower lip where BDORT is -7 or higher

negative value, prostate cancer inmale and uterus cancer in femalemust be suspected. Lips often do not show visible changes but invisible

abnormalities can be detected rapidly without touching lips by using non-invasive Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), which received

U.S. Patent in 1993 because using very sensitive electromagnetic field (EMF) resonance phenomena between 2 identical molecules

with identical weight, we can detect almost any molecules as well as any cancers non-invasively. The method was discovered at Pupin

Laboratory of Graduate Experimental Physics Lab of Columbia University. Right lower lip near the right corner of the mouth represents

colon if there is a colon cancer. If there is a colon cancer, BDORT, without touching the lip, if it’s a negative value of -7 often malignancy

can be suspected. In the right upper lip near the midline the stomach is represented. If BDORT is -7 or higher negative value, one must

suspect stomach cancer. For left upper lip near midline, if BDORT is -7 or higher negative value, immediately cardiovascular problem

can be suspected. Also, when there is a round projection at the center of the chin, it often indicates possibility of ovarian tumor in female

and testicular tumor inmale.These are described in our latest organ representation chart of the face as well as tongue, hands, and feet. We

can often detect these abnormalities by visible changes and at the same time in corresponding abnormal areas there are always invisible

changes which can be detected by Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), which received U.S. Patent in 1993 for non-invasive, quick detection

of anymolecules aswell as cancers& theirmetastases.The 2ndmethod is one-page “Mouth, Hand, &FootWriting Form”. Filling this form

by patient will take about 5-10 minutes. Again, without knowing any information about the patient, we can often detect various medical

problems including cancers & their metastases. Each writing contains invisible EMF information that exists at each writing which we can

detect rapidly by examining EMF resonance phenomena between these writings and specific cancer slides. The 3


method is detection

of cancers from rapidly changing part of QRS-Complex and also rising part of T-waves of ECGs. This method was also discovered by the

author about 3 years ago. As long as time permits, we will show some of these examples.


Professor Yoshiaki Omura received Oncology Residency Training and a Doctor of Science Degree through research on Pharmaco-Electro Physiology of Single


in Vivo


in Vitro

from Columbia University. He published over 250 articles and 7 books. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Acupuncture & Electro-Thera-

peutics Research, International Journal of Integrated Medicine, and Executive Editor of Integrative Oncology.Using his new diagnostic method, which received

U.S. patent, he can non-invasively and rapidly measure many neurotransmitters, chemicals, asbestos, viruses, and bacteria. He developed a non-invasive, quick

diagnostic method of malignancies, as well as a method of evaluating the effects of any treatment.

Yoshiaki Omura

New York Medical College, USA

Yoshiaki Omura, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-014