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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Radiology and Oncology 2017
October 19-20, 2017
World Congress on
October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA
Radiology and Oncology
The dynamics of lung cancer staging: Key features of TNM 8
taging cancers is an essential component of oncology practice. TNM staging system provides a common language to
communicate on the disease extent of an individual patient. It groups patients with similar levels of disease and similar
outcomes together. It is crucial in decision making on management of cancers and predicting prognosis. With advances in
treatment and development of new drugs and strategies, the outcomes and survival statistics change over time. As such, there
is a need for reviewing the staging system every few years. TNM 8
edition is currently in practice and it has some big changes
in staging of lung cancer. The importance of tumor size is highlighted in the new staging system and the T stage descriptor
changes with every cm increase in tumor size. Nodal stage has largely remained unchanged but N descriptors have been
proposed for future validation. There is no change in M1a, as a departure from the past oligometastases has been recognized
as a separate category. Single metastasis in a single organ is M1b while multiple metastases in a single or multiple organ is now
M1c. The purpose of this lecture is to look at the rationale behind the changes in staging of lung cancers, getting familiar with
the new staging system and the optimal evaluating tools to accurately stage lung cancers.
Arvind K Chaturvedi has completed his MD in 1980 and is the Director of Radiology at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, India.
He also served as the Medical Director of the institute. He has been an expert appointed by IAEA, Vienna in the field of oncological imaging and has been a Visiting
Professor to the University of Rochester in 2006. He has authored over 40 scientific papers, 2 book chapters, has delivered over 100 guest lectures in India and
abroad. His current interests include radiofrequency ablation of tumors, Body Imaging and optimizing healthcare delivery.
arvindatdelhi@yahoo.comArvind K Chaturvedi
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, India
Arvind K Chaturvedi, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-014