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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Radiology and Oncology 2017
October 19-20, 2017
World Congress on
October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA
Radiology and Oncology
Immune modulating properties of NSC-70 (UKRAIN/NSC-631570)
n a controlled clinical study conducted at the University Grodno (Grodno, Belarus), after the therapy with NSC 631570 the
hardening of the tumor, a slight increase in the tumor size (5-10%) and proliferation of connective tissues were observed.
The T4/T8 lymphocytes ratio increased by 30%. The tumours appeared harder and slightly enlarged after NSC 631570 therapy,
and were easier to detect by ultrasound or radiological examination. Metastatic lymph nodes were also hardened and sclerotic
(fibrous). Tumours and metastatic lymph nodes were clearly demarcated from healthy tissue and therefore easier to remove.
Complications such as prolonged lymphorrhoea (leakage of lymph onto the skin surface), skin necrosis (death of skin tissue),
suppuration of the wound, and pneumonia, all occurred in patients from the two NSC 631570 groups at only half the rate that
they appeared in patients from the control group. Based on the results of this study the scientists from Grodno recommended
the use of NSC 631570, at the higher dosage, in all breast cancer operations (54, 68-70, 114). Other parameters were also
evaluated, e.g. hormones (T3, T4, cortisol, progesterone, estradiol, prolactin; 71), immune values (lymphocytes, immune
globulins, complement, phagocytic activity; 72), morphologic and cytochemical changes (73, 110), amino acids and their
derivates in plasma (74, 109) and in the tumor tissue (75). In a series of articles the researchers have studied the effect of
NSC 631570 on various parameters in breast cancer patients (157-160). Best results were achieved with higher dosage of
NSC 631570. Almost every patient noted the improvement of the general well-being, sleep and appetite. During the surgery,
the tumors as well as involved lymph nodes were presented sclerotic and well demarcated from the surrounding tissue. This
alleviated the surgical removal of the tumor considerably (158). In the tumor tissue, increased concentration of the amino acid
proline was revealed indicating augmented production of connective tissue that demarcates the tumor from surrounding tissue
(159). NSC 631570 improved also the amino acid balance of patients (160). A recent
in vitro
study with murine and human
cancer cell lines confirmed these good results in the treatment of breast cancer were not accidental. The researches from Emory
University (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) and Kennesaw State University (Kennesaw, Georgia, USA) concluded: “The anticancer
drug Ukrain experts its cytotoxic effects on both mouse and human breast cancer cell lines in a dose and time dependent
manner. Weeks following Ukraine treatment, cells maintained a reduced capacity to proliferate. Our data suggest that Ukraine
could be effective as an anticancer drug for breast cancer due to its short term and long term inhibitory effects on tumor cell
viability and proliferation” (268). This work was supported by RO1 CA-138993 and the NSF Award #0450303 Subaward #1-
66-606-63. The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by the US Congress in 1950 “to
promote the progress of science, to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare, to secure the national defense…”
With an annual budget about $6,9 billion (FY 2010), NSF is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally
supported basic research conducted by America`s colleges and universities..
Dr. Wassil Nowicky — Dipl. Ing., Dr. techn., DDDr. h. c., Director of “Nowicky Pharma” and President of the Ukrainian Anti-Cancer Institute (Vienna, Austria). Has
finished his study at the Radiotechnical Faculty of the Technical University of Lviv (Ukraine) with the end of 1955 with graduation to “Diplomingeniueur” in 1960
which title was nostrificated in Austria in 1975. Inventor of the anticancer preparation on basis of celandine alkaloids “NSC-631570”. Author of over 300 scientific
articles dedicated to cancer research. Dr. Wassil Nowicky is a real member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the European Union for applied
immunology and of the American Association for scientific progress, honorary doctor of the Janka Kupala University in Hrodno, doctor “honoris causa” of the Open
international university on complex medicine in Colombo, honorary member of the Austrian Society of a name od Albert Schweizer. He has received the award for
merits of National guild of pharmasists of America. the award of Austrian Society of sanitary, hygiene and public health services and others.
dr.nowicky@yahoo.deWassil Nowicky
Ukrainian Anti-Cancer Institute, Austria
Wassil Nowicky, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-014