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Volume 4

Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing 2018

September 19-20, 2018

September 19-20, 2018 Singapore



International Conference on

Public Health and Nursing

J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003

The evaluation of public health nurses’ performance for public healthcare services’ coverage

program in district of Jember for 2016, Indonesia

Tantut Susanto

University of Jember. Jl Kalimantan, Indonesia


he objective of this study was to describe the evaluation program performance of Public Healthcare Services (PHCs)

performed by the Public Health Nurses (PHN) in the district of Jember during 2016. A cross-sectional study based on

secondary analysis of existing data collected by The Jember Health Department of East Java on PHCs quality improvement

initiatives and outcomes from 50 public health centers. The performance of PHCs program was target and program coverage,

including nursing care in vulnerable families, community groups, and empowerment of families’ self-care. Descriptive and

Spearman test were performed to analyze the correlation between the performance target of PHCs practice by PHN and the

program coverage of PHCs. The finding showed that the coverage program of nursing care in vulnerable families, community

groups, and empowerment of families’ self-care were 48.28%, 44.87, and 49.50%, respectively. Regarding achievement of

coverage program, among 50 PHCs was categorized their performance (low vs. high of coverage), including nursing care in

vulnerable families (50% vs. 50%), community groups (52% vs. 48%), and empowerment of families’ self-care (52% vs. 48%).

There was significance correlation between the performance target of PHCs practice by PHN and nursing care in vulnerable

families (r=0.488; p<0.001), nursing care in communities’ groups (r=0.316; p=0.026), and empowerment of families’ self-care

(r=0.531; p<0.001). The performance of PHN to achieve target of PHCs was correlated with the program coverage of PHCs in

rural areas. However, a half of public health centers was low in achieving of coverage PHCs programs. Therefore, it is necessary

to increase the competence of PHN in rural areas in providing nursing care to families and communities through integrated

training program. Monitor and evaluation with field supervision is essential in assessing the obstacles to achieving the coverage

of the PHCs program.