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Volume 4

Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing 2018

September 19-20, 2018

September 19-20, 2018 Singapore



International Conference on

Public Health and Nursing

Dale M Hilty, J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-003

Nursing student cognitive-affective changes with essential oils

Dale M Hilty

Mt. Carmel College of Nursing, USA


romote preliminary investigation exploring incorporation of Essential Oils (EO’s) to nursing students in BSN college

setting. OSU Medical Center uses essential oils in specific units with positive outcomes (patients, families, staff). Will

nursing students receiving an essential oil alternative-complementary intervention reveal changes on pre-post Likert attitude

questions from a 60-minute presentation? Three investigations used essential oils as experimental intervention. Researchers

found decreased anxiety, increased sleep quality and menstrual pain alleviation. Young (2011) outlines safety techniques,

usages, implications and applications for single oils and blends. Evaluation was based on three outcomes. Pre-post (five

knowledge/comprehension questions) data showed significance (p=0.001) using dependent t-test. Faculty members reported

experiential learning while designing the presentation and measurement of student attitudes. Open-ended questions revealed

student applications based on qualitative theme analysis.

• It was great to experience a whole different side of holistic care. This was my first experience aroma therapy, and I was …

impressed by its effects. It will be great to find more uses in my life.”

• “I really could smell how each oil affected my mood. I think these oils will be very helpful in my personal and professional

life. I liked knowing the different uses …HTN, anxiety and relaxation for my health and the health of others. Thanks so much

for doing this and the rose oil, it smells so good!”

• “This presentation was wonderful! I found it to be very insightful and informative. I loved the essential oils/aroma therapy

was awesome! I felt very relaxed with the lavender essential oil.”

• “It is interesting to know the chemistry of the plant, how it functions, and how it can benefit our health.”


use correlational studies and experimental interventions to explore cognitive-affective changes in student

self-care and in application to patient healthcare.


Dale M. Hilty, Associate Professor at the Mt. Carmel College of Nursing. He received his PhD in counseling psychology from the Department of Psychology at The

Ohio State University. He has published studies in the areas of psychology, sociology, and religion. Between April 2017 and April 2018, his ten research teams

published 55 posters at local, state, regional, national, and international nursing conferences.