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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Community Med Health Educ

ISSN: 2161-0711 JCMHE, an open access journal

Public Health Congress 2017

November 13-14, 2017

November 13-14, 2017 Osaka, Japan



World Congress on

Public Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology

Meeting public’s health agenda through empowering women in Dubai: Are we at par?

Muhammad Wasif Alam, Mona Abdullatif and Kadhim Alabady

Dubai Health Authority, UAE


ocial determinants of wellbeing emerge from the social and monetary conditions in which we live. The sort of lodging and

situations we live in, the wellbeing or training administrations we approach, the wages we can produce and the kind of work

we do, for example, would all be able to impact our wellbeing. Verifiably ladies when all is said in done have been less favored

in approaching advanced education and better occupations because of reasons such social, political or simply the standard

“Ladies can't do this”. Building of a solid group and society free of preventable maladies and wounds start with singular limit,

adapting abilities, training and individual wellbeing. It is in this manner, essential that the two men and ladies similarly have the

ability to construct the general public or else a large portion of the individual power assets will be unutilized. Sexual orientation

contrasts in wellbeing and mortality are intricate and not yet completely saw but rather what is known is that ladies live longer

than men and financial status is a fundamental determinant of sick wellbeing and instruction is viewed as a critical course out

of destitution. In Dubai more than 60% of the advanced education in colleges is enlisted by ladies and a comparable 66% of

the Government occupations in Dubai are utilized by ladies. The visionary initiative that the two men and ladies are similarly

fundamental in building a city like Dubai represents itself with no issue by taking a gander at the future during childbirth and

personal satisfaction and advance. A point by point introduction with supporting confirmation and examples of overcoming

adversity of ladies’ instruction, occupations, games, culture and administration will be talked about and benchmarked to assess

if Dubai is at standard with the dynamic nations internationally.

J Community Med Health Educ 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0711-C1-031