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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Community Med Health Educ

ISSN: 2161-0711 JCMHE, an open access journal

Public Health Congress 2017

November 13-14, 2017

November 13-14, 2017 Osaka, Japan



World Congress on

Public Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology

What are mental health key challenges in Dubai, 2017?

Kadhim Alabady

Dubai Health Authority, UAE


ental and behavioral scatters force a huge weight on general wellbeing, and are among the main sources of inability

around the world. Dysfunctional behavior is a general wellbeing worry in Dubai. Many individuals with emotional

wellness issues don’t counsel their GPs to get successful medicines for an assortment of reasons including social reasons. To

Provide a standard of the present picture of major emotional wellness challenges among individuals in Dubai which would then

be able to be utilized to gauge the effect of mediations or administration improvement. With a specific end goal to complete

the emotional well-being needs evaluation we connected subjective and quantitative philosophy. This approach was utilized to

expand the legitimacy of the discoveries by utilizing an assortment of information gathering procedures keeping in mind the

end goal to investigate issues that won’t be featured through one strategy alone. The key discoveries are: (1) The pervasiveness

of individuals who experience the ill effects of various sorts of mental issue remains generally obscure, numerous men are

unwilling to look for proficient help on account of absence of mindfulness or the disgrace connected to it, (2) According to

the Dubai Household Health Survey DHHS (2009) 14.5% of respondents revealed direct to serious depressive indications over

a 2 week time span, (3) It was anticipated in 2014 that there would be 37,933 individuals experiencing crazy issue of which

29,747 were guys and 8,186 were females. Just about 60% of these figures are relied upon to be sufferers of schizophrenia.

These numbers are probably going to change among various gatherings, age band and sex and socio-monetary classes, (4) It

is evaluated there were around 2,928-4,392 moms in Dubai (2014) experiencing postnatal gloom of which 858-1,287, early

mediation can be powerful, (5) Work is required with essential human services keeping in mind the end goal to recognize men

with undiscovered psychological maladjustments. Additionally work is attempted inside essential medicinal services to evaluate

infection registries with the point of helping GP practices to enhance their malady registers, (6) It is imperative to direct nearby

mental grimness overviews in Dubai to get information and survey the commonness of fundamental psychological well-being

manifestations and conditions that are not routinely gathered to get an unmistakable feeling of what is required and to help

choice and strategy making in getting a total picture on what administrations are required, (7) Emergency Mental Health Care;

there is a requirement for an emergency reaction group to react to crises in the group and (8) Continuum of care; a noteworthy

hole in the administrations for men once they determined to have mental turmoil.

J Community Med Health Educ 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0711-C1-031