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October 13-15, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



International Conference and Expo on


Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2016

October 13-15, 2016

Jyotsna R. Kshirsagar et al., J Nov Physiother 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)

Association between qualities of life and functional measures in patients with Osteoarthritis of knee

Jyotsna R. Kshirsagar


, Priya S


, Sanjay Eapen Samuel



Laxmi Memorial College of Physiotherapy, India


AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, India


Osteoarthritis of the knee is a major problem because of its high prevalence and substantial impact on the functional

ability. It is characterized by disability in daily functioning primarily in activities related to mobility e.g. walking, stair climbing

and transfers. Reduced functional ability starts in the early phase of the disease and it is progressive. Osteoarthritis of knee has a

significant negative effect on quality of life. Limitation in walking, squatting and stair climbing are affected to a great extent.

Purpose of the Study:

To find out the association between quality of life and functional objective measures viz. 20 meter walks test,

30 sec. chair stand test and stair climb test in patients with knee osteoarthritis.


A cross sectional study of 20 subjects with purposive sampling technique and age between 60-75yrs with definite

diagnosis of osteoarthritis were assessed for quality of life using KOOS scale. The functional activities were assessed using 20 meter

walk test, 30 second chair stand test and stair climb test.

Results and Conclusion:

The mean age of the study subjects was 69 yrs. with SD ±3.73yrs. Correlations when estimated using Karl

Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed –a)positive correlation between QOL & 20 meter walk test which was moderate (r=0.603)

;b) negative correlation between QOL &30 sec. chair stand test, which was moderate (r=-0.605);and c) positive correlation between

QOL & stair climb test ,which was low (r=0.26)


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Jyotsna R. Kshirsagar is a Post graduate student doing 2 years MPT programme. My area of specialization is Musculoskeletal disorders and Sports. I am

undertaking clinical trial on older adults with osteoarthritis of knee under the guidance of Dr. Priya S. Assistant Professor and Dr. Sanjay Eapen Samuel Professor

and Principal, Laxmi Memorial College Of Physiotherapy, A J Institute Of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. I have completed my graduation in

Physiotherapy from Nagpur University, India. I have completed my Post graduate Certificate Course in Rehabilitation from All India Institute of Physical Medicine

and Rehabilitation, Mumbai, India in 1976.I have work experience of 37 years in Goa Medical College and hospital, India. I have retired from Goa Medical College

as Assistant Head of Physiotherapy Department.