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October 13-15, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



International Conference and Expo on


Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physiotherapy 2016

October 13-15, 2016

J Nov Physiother 2016, 6:5 (Suppl)

Effect ofmotor imagery of truncal exercises on trunk function andbalance in early stroke:Arandomized

controlled trial

Reethu Elsa

Manipal University, India


Studies in the past focused on benefits ofmotor imagery in improving upper and lower limb functions when administered

along with conventional therapy. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of literature proving the effects of motor imagery of truncal exercise

in improving trunk function in patients with stroke.


To study the effect of motor imagery of truncal exercises on trunk function and balance in early stroke.


A total of 24 patients were included in the study. Trunk function was measured using trunk control test (TCT), trunk

impairment scale Verheyden (TIS Verheyden) and trunk impairment scale Fujiwara (TIS Fujiwara). Balance was assessed using

Brunel balance assessment (BBA) and Tinetti POMA. The MI intervention included a 3-week practice of trunk exercises after

observing the video while the control group practiced the trunk exercises alone. Measurements were taken before, after and 4 weeks

after intervention.


MI group showed improvement after 3 weeks’ intervention on values of TIS (Verheyden), BBA, Tinetti balance and gait with

a large effect size of 1.69, 1.06, 1.63 and 0.97 respectively. Moderate effect size on TIS Fujiwara (0.58) and small effect size on TCT

(0.12) was observed. When measured after 4 weeks, large effect size was seen on TIS Verheyden (1.59) and Tinetti balance (1.24).

Moderate effect size was observed on BBA (0.62) and Tinetti gait (0.72).


Trunk motor imagery is effective in improving trunk function and balance in patents with stroke and has a carryover

effect in the aspects of mobility. The therapy gain that was observed during the time of discharge was seen to be maintained at the

follow up levels.

A retrospective analysis of a functional restoration service for patients with persistent low back pain

David Rogers

Royal Orthopedic Hospital, UK


ack pain is of considerable interest in society today and is a source of ongoing disability and days lost from work in the adult

population. Historically, the recommended management has encompassed conservative methods, from physiotherapy and a

range of other manipulative techniques to surgical interventions in various forms. There is now agreement that adults with persistent

low back pain who have failed physiotherapy and have high levels of disability and psychological distress are best managed through

a combined physical and psychological approach, which should be up to 100 hours in length. This combined approach has been

modified by authors in several forms, of varying duration, with good results, supporting the idea that benefit can be gained from

interventions of a lesser duration. The present paper reports on the results, as measured using the Oswestry disability index (ODI)

and pain self-efficacy questionnaire (PSEQ), of a 4-week functional restoration program (FRP) treatment intervention, run in a

tertiary spinal center, which used a combined physical and psychological approach.