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Volume 7

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-7689

Pharma Europe 2018

May 07-09, 2018

May 07-09, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany



Annual European Pharma Congress

Dopamine urinary content and dopamine striatal levels could be relations with the disturbed

dopaminergic system of the hemiparkinsonism rat model?

B Hernández-Téllez


, P Vergara-Aragón


, Valverde-Aguilar


, M Vázquez-García


, A Sánchez-García


, S M Castillo Alejo


, E A Rodríguez-Pérez


, L G Luna



, E García-Ramírez



R Bustamante García



National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico


Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico


Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Mexico


he aim of the present study was to establish the relation that exists between the striatal dopamine levels and urine dopamine

content in hemiparkinsonism rat model. 20 Wistar rats were used and were randomized into two groups as follows: a)

control group and b) lessoned injured group induced by (6-OHDA). All animals were re-tested on the same battery of motor

tests that before lesion. The rotation test behavior test was assessed and striatal DA levels and urine DA were determined by

HPLC, motor behavior fine tests were done and finally immunohistochemical (Hir+) striatum was done. We found a positive

correlation between the dopamine levels in the striatum and the content dopamine in urine of rats (control vs. 6-OHDA

group). Respect motor performance, the 6-OHDA group showed a significant fine motor impairment (grasp and advance) vs.

control group (p<0.01). Immunostaining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression revealed no TH-immunoreactive (THir)

neurons in any 6-OHDA animals vs. control group (p<0.01). Positive correlation between the dopamine levels in the striatum

and the content dopamine in urine could be talking also, about a major proportion of urinary dopamine could be derived

from the renal decarboxylation of circulating dopa and not dopaminergic system disturbance. The other hand, alterations of

a forelimb motor function in rats could be only due to more vulnerability of striatal dopaminergic depletion and not to low

periphery dopamine levels.

Recent Publications

1. PVergara-Aragón (2017) Is it possible to reverse themotor alterations with dopamine supply content in an amorphuous

matrix in a hemiparkinsonian rat model? Phamaceutical Reg Affairs 6(1)53.

2. S Hernández Castro and P Vergara Aragón (2017) A PET study with [11-C] Raclopride in hermiparkinsonismmodel:

Preliminary results on the effect of a TiO


DA matrix implanted in the caudate nucleus. Phamaceutical Reg Affairs


3. Blanca Meza Aupart and Vergara Aragón P (2017) Evaluation of the effects that produce a micro-implant with

dopamine stabilized and inserted in the caudate nucleus in hemiparkinsonism rat model induced on motor activity

and its relationship to the levels of dopamine. Phamaceutical Reg Affairs 6(1):54.

4. Velázquez-Paniagua M, Ana María Vázquez-Álvarez, María Guadalupe Valverde-Aguilary and Patricia Vergara-

Aragón. (2016) Current treatments in Parkinson’s including the proposal of an innovative dopamine microimplant.

Revista del Hospital General de México. Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex. 79(2):79–87.


B Hernández-Téllez is a Biology graduate and has worked in the Faculty of Medicine UNAM in Mexico for more than 20 years. Her research is focused in the field

of Tissue Engineering and collaborates in toxicity and biological implications of rotenone exposure in animal models. She is a Professor of Histology in the Biology

Cellular and Tisular Department, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.

B Hernández-Téllez et al., Pharmaceut Reg Affairs 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7689-C1-031