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Volume 5 Issue 4(Suppl)

Clin Pharmacol Biopharm

ISSN: 2167-065X CPB, an open access journal

Page 35

Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress 2016

November 07-09, 2016




November 07-09, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA




Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress

Diallo Yacouba L, Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2016, 5:4(Suppl)

Hemostasis property of Malian herbal plant used to manage bleeding event


Bleeding diseases management is a big challenge in developing countries where diagnosis and drug access are

not easy. In Mali 80-90% of the population frequently used medicinal plant with a good response. Unfortunately, knowledge

on these plants is undocumented. Here, we investigated ten herbal plants currently used by traditional practitioners in Dioila

district (Mali) to treat bleeding conditions. e aim of this study was to investigate the coagulation properties of these plants

and identi ed the substance responsible for di erent hemostasis properties.

Materials & Methods:

e hemostasis properties of water, ethanol and dichloromethane extracts from ten plants have

been investigated. e plants were selected a er ethnobotanical survey conducted in Dioila area in Mali. Fi een traditional

practitioners were interviewed in the survey and the ten plants currently used according to their high level of delity were

retained for this study. e e ect of the extracts on hemostasis parameters was investigated using whole blood from healthy

donor. All extracts were incubated with whole blood at the nal concentration of 0.25 g/L. Activating platelet time aPTT and

thrombin time were measured using coagulation automate (STA satellite®) at 0 and 30 min a er incubation. Bu er was used

as a control in the same condition. Results were expressed as ratio for aPTT and percentage for rombin time. All tests were

performed in double.


We have investigated the e ect of twelve extracts from ten plants on aPTT and thrombin time at (0 and 30 min) a er

incubation. aPTT measurement directly a er incubation showed that eleven extracts gave a result lower than 1.2. Only extracts

from Pteleopsis myrtifolia bark and trunk, induced an aPTT beyond 1.2. A er 30 min incubation, aPTT value from all extracts

was lower than 1.2. In contrast, it seems that prothrombin time was not strongly modi ed by any extract.


Some extracts from herbal plants modi ed aPPT which could be associated to a hemostatic e ect. More

investigations are needed in order to con rm these ndings.


Diallo Yacouba L successively achieved his Medical study degree in 2000, the Hematology Special Training in Ivory Coast in 2008, Clinical Hemostasis and

Thrombosis Interuniversity Diploma in Lyon in 2009 and a Master’s degree in Vessel Biology, Physiology and Pathology from Paris University, France in 2010. His

research interest topic is hemostatis, especially in bleeding disease such us hemophilia. Due to the poor financial condition of the population in his country, he is

keenly interested to improve bleeding diseases treatment with medicinal plants. He is a member of many national and international scientist societies of Hematology

and Hemostasis.

Diallo Yacouba L

Hospital du Mali, Mali