Page 52
Volume 10
Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy
Cancer Summit 2018
July 02-03, 2018
July 02-03, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand
World Cancer Summit 2018
Clinical characteristics, demography and outcome trends of adjuvant anthracycline- and taxane
based chemotherapy regimen in early-stage breast cancer- A single centre experience of 264 patients
Ashok K Vaid
Medanta Cancer Institute, India
Anthacycline- andTaxane based chemotherapy regimen remains the gold standard for the adjuvant chemotherapy
treatment of early-stage breast cancer. However, the knowledge on the use and effectiveness of this treatment regimen in real-
world setting is limited. This study examined the treatment trends of adjuvant anthracycline- and taxane based chemotherapy
regimen in the routine clinical practice at a single tertiary care cancer centre in India.
Patients with histologically or cytologically confirmed early breast cancer who underwent primary breast surgery
followed by adjuvant treatment with anthracycline- and taxane based chemotherapy regimen at Medanta Cancer Institute
between 2010 and 2015 were included in the study. Data on clinical characteristics and treatment details was collected from the
patient’s medical records. Invasive Disease Free Survival (IDFS) was taken as the primary efficacy endpoint.
Two sixty four patients were included in the analysis. There were 262 women and 2 men with a median age of 50
years (range 24-76 years). Among the 262 women, 107 (40.5%) were premenopausal and 157 (59.5%) had reached menopause.
The laterality of breast was left in 144 (54.5%), right in 116 (43.9%) and bilateral in 4 (1.6%) patients respectively. 93 (35.2%)
patients underwent breast-conserving surgery (BCS) and 171 (64.7%) modified radical mastectomy (MRM). Grade of tumor
was 1, 2 and 3 in 19, 140 and 105 patients respectively. Tumor Focality was single in 215 (81.4%) patients and multiple in
49 (18.6%) patients respectively. The median number of nodes dissected were 17 (range 1-74) with > 4 positive nodes in 60
(22.7%) patients. Estrogen, progesterone and HER-2 receptors were positive in 154 (58.3%), 143 (54.2%) and 8 (3%) patients
respectively whereas 102 (38.6%) patient had triple negative disease. Although the overall HER-2 receptor positivity in our
breast cancer data is 25.2% (181 out of 717 patients), the above data of 3% represent the subset of patients that were treated
with anthracycline-and taxane based chemotherapy regimen. At a median follow-up of 37 months (range 1-99 months), the
IDFS was 83.6%.
The preliminary results of this study confirm the clinical utility of anthacyclines- and taxanes based chemotherapy
regimen in the adjuvant chemotherapy treatment of early-stage breast cancer. Further follow-up will be undertaken to assess
the long term utility of this treatment regimen.
akvaid@yahoo.comJ Cancer Sci Ther 2018, Volume 10
DOI: 10.4172/1948-5956-C5-136