Page 35
Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Clin Exp Pathol
ISSN: 2161-0681 JCEP, an open access journal
Pathology Congress 2017
November 13-14, 2017
Asia Pacific Pathology Congress
Digital molecular pathology
Ahmed A Yameny
Society of Pathological Biochemistry and Hematology, Egypt
he molecular pathology laboratory offers molecular diagnostic testing for a variety of clinical indications across the health-
care continuum, including testing for disease susceptibility, population screening, diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic decision
making and disease monitoring. Molecular Pathology (MP) is at the heart of modern diagnostics and translational research. It
has become evident that, to advance in the translation of biomarker discovery into diagnostic and therapeutic application, the
purpose of this article is to advance MP into Digital Molecular Pathology (DMP), depending on known biomarkers especially
miRNA and proteomics, to resolve many of the demands in the clinical laboratory, as screening for cancer, endemic or rare
virus infection and biological war. We would like to suggest an integrated model of DMP, from biomarkers to form two steps
of diagnosis and two steps of treatment, the first step for fast diagnosis and fast therapy to stop spreading of disease, the second
step for complete diagnosis and effectiveness treatment, many biomarkers were discovered so must divided into groups, DMP
can allow facilities to outsource all or a portion of the demands data such as cloud computing, bioinformatics pipelines, variant
data management and knowledge curation. Exchange of electronic molecular data allows laboratories to perform validation of
rare diseases using foreign data, check the accuracy of their test results against benchmarks.
Ahmed AYameny is the Head of Society of Pathological Biochemistry and Hematology. He is Union Chief Medical Laboratory in Egypt. He was the Chairman for five
international conferences of medical laboratory and two international conferences of the society. He is an Expert and Medical Laboratory Consultant. He is the Chief
Editor of
Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research
. He has completed his BSc in Biochemistry from Alexandria University in Egypt and BSc in Biochemistry/
Chemistry from Tanta University in Egypt.
dr.ahmedyameny@yahoo.comAhmed A Yameny, J Clin Exp Pathol 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0681-C1-040