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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Pain Relief, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-0846
Pain Management 2017
October 05-06, 2017
International Conference and Exhibition on
October 05-06, 2017 London, UK
Pain Research And Management
Acupuncture and topiramate in treatment of migraine
Lazgeen Zerki
Rapareen Teaching Hospital, Iraq
cupuncture has been used to treat headaches for thousands of years. The greatest advantage of acupuncture over western
medicine is that it is safe. Unlike synthetic drugs, acupuncture has virtually no side effects, and the procedures for treating
headaches are much less invasive. Migraine headaches are usually one-sided, pulsating or throbbing, and moderate or severe in
intensity. They can be worsened with activity and may be associated with nausea and/or vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light
or noise. Some patients also experience auras, a neurological symptom that develops gradually over 5-20 minutes. The patient
may see brief flashes or waves of light, or changes in their vision. Other common features of auras include vertigo, imbalance,
confusion and numbness. Acupuncture had been used to treat 50 patient suffering from migraine, topiramate (Topamax)
given to prevent the attacks, duration of treatment is 10 weeks; the patients were fallowed up for one year. Topiramate is called
an anticonvulsant. Topiramate is also used to prevent migraine headaches in adults and teenagers who are at least 12 years
old. This medicine will only prevent migraine headaches or reduce the number of attacks. It will not treat a headache that has
already begun.
Setting & time frame:
This study was carried out in Erbil, Iraq during the period 2013-2016.
Fifty patients all are male, age 25 -35 y, having no systemic disease, complaining of migraine for more than 1y, Liver
and renal functions were normal. Classically the headache is unilateral, throbbing, and moderate to severe in intensity. It
usually comes on gradually and is aggravated by physical activity.
step: I started treating them with acupuncture using the certain points weekly, for 4 weeks with one tablet per day of
step: Then 2 weeks rest no acupuncture but the patients continued on topamax tablet 1/day.
step: Acupuncture using same acupoints for another 4 weeks, one set/week, with 1 tab of topiramate /every other day.
The patient get 8 set of acupuncture with 60 tablets during 10 weeks of treatment.
All the 50 patients had been followed for one year during this time there was direct contact with them monthly, for
checking the investigation which was normal. After 6 months, they were free of pain except 5 patients (10%). After 1y – 35
patients were free of pain –and only 10 patients complained of pain.
Acupuncture is effective in treating migraine specially when had been used in combination with Topamax, it has
synergistic effect, safe without complications. They cover the acute attacks and had preventing effect.
Lazgeen Zerki is currently working as a Consultant Anaesthetist and Acupuncturist in Rapareen Teaching Hospital of Erbil- Kurdistan, Iraq.
lazg5tcm@gmail.comLazgeen Zerki, J Pain Relief 2017, 6:5(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-014