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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Pain Relief, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-0846
Pain Management 2017
October 05-06, 2017
International Conference and Exhibition on
October 05-06, 2017 London, UK
Pain Research And Management
Immediate effect of energy alignment and mantra on stress related pain in adolescents: Stomach
aches, musculoskeletal pains and headaches
Naveen Meghwal
NMP Medical Research Institute, India
To examine the impact of yoga based energy alignment and mantra intervention on pain complaints with stress
disorder in a population-based sample of adolescents.
Data from 2 waves of interviews with 15- to 19-year-olds from the Bikaner study were analyzed. All the participants
were followed up from intervention session of energy alignment, mantra practice and change in pain related to stress disorder.
Overall, pain complaints were strongly associated with emotional distress as stomach aches and headaches together
with musculoskeletal pain. After the 2 weeks of practice, participants (n=218) reported significant decrease in stomach aches
(p<0.05), headaches (p<0.01) and musculoskeletal pain (p<0.01).
Clinical recommendations include screening adolescents with persistent complaints of headaches, stomach
aches, and musculoskeletal pains for stress disorders and awareness of energy alignment and mantra on the stress related pains
were found useful.
Naveen Meghwal is an experienced and internationally known Certified Yoga Therapist. After several years of practice and an extensive experience in healing,
he began research work in 2006. Currently, he teaches in Hong Kong at Ananda yoga and lead research studies as Principal Investigator in Rajasthan, India. He
teaches workshops, retreats, courses and presents at yoga conferences internationally. He is committed to making the world a better place by eco-awareness,
teaching yoga and meditation, serving others with charity work, and offering music & mantra chanting.
nmpmedicalresearch@gmail.comNaveen Meghwal, J Pain Relief 2017, 6:5(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-014