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Pain Management 2017
Day 1 October 05, 2017
Interventional Pain Management | Pain Medication and Primary Care | Pharmacological
Approaches for Pain | Pain Assessment Tools
Session Chair
Feng Tao
Texas A&M University, USA
Session Co-chair
Marie N Hanna
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Session Introduction
Mechanisms underlying alcohol withdrawal-induced pain chronification after surgery
Feng Tao,
Texas A&M University, USA
Effect of depth of neuromuscular block on intraoperative surgical conditions and pain
in morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic bariatric surgery: A double blind
randomized controlled trial
Bart Torensma,
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Reboot Online is an online multidisciplinary pain management program effective in
chronic pain - A randomised control trial
Steven Faux,
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Australia
COX2/PGE2/EP4 signaling is involved in repeated restraint stress predisposed transition
from acute to chronic pain
Weiya Ma,
Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Canada
Complex regional pain syndrome in children and adolescents
Ludmyla Kachko,
Schneider Children’s Medical Center, Israel
A novel multidisciplinary perioperative pain medicine program: Redefining the scope
of the acute pain service to minimize perioperative opioid utilization
Marie N Hanna,
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Effectiveness of Kinesio taping to reduce swelling in acute medial ankle sprain
Sajid Rashid,
Multan College of Physiotherapy, Pakistan
Pain analysis in musicians using digital pain drawings
Cinzia Cruder,
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland
Sessi I tr
Chronic post-thoracotomy pain (CPTP): Do current analgesic techniques affect outcomes?
Fang Gao,
University of Birmingham, UK
Spine Center - An evolving paradigm in comprehensive treatment of spinally mediated pain
Hazmer Cassim,
Eisenhower Medical Center, USA
Video Presentations