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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)
ISSN: 2161-119X Otolaryngol, an open access journal
Otolaryngology 2017
October 18-19, 2017
October 18-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE
International Conference on
Rhinology and Otology
Effect of therapeutic pulsed ultrasound on smell dysfunction in subjects with chronic rhinosinusitis
Atieh Nazem
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
mell dysfunction is one of the main symptoms in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). erapeutic ultrasound (US) is suggested as
a novel method for treating the CRS. No study has evaluated the e ect of therapeutic US in CRS. e aim of this study was
to demonstrate the e ects pulsed ultrasound (PUS) in CRS subjects with olfactory dysfunction. Eleven CRS subjects with smell
dysfunction (mean age 47.90±4.6 years; male 7; female 4) participated in a pretest-posttest study design with 2 measurements
before and a er 10 treatment sessions and a er one month follow up. Participants received pulsed US (1:9), frequency 1 MHz,
intensity/duration 1 W/cm2/5 minutes and 0.5 W/cm2/4 minutes for the maxillary and frontal sinuses, respectively. Subjects
underwent for 10 treatment sessions, three days a week with US given every other day. e outcome measures were the Persian
versions of SNOT-20 and University of Pennsylvania Smell Identi cation Test (UPSIT). e repeated measures ANOVA were
used for analysis. e mean changes of UPSIT scores (11/1 to 19/7) and SNOT-20 scores (41/4 to 19/6) were signi cantly
improved a er PUS therapy (p<0.001). At one month fallow up, the improvements were sustained. e pulsed ultrasound was
e ective in improving smell dysfunction and symptoms severity in this sample of patients with rhinosinusitis.
Atieh Nazem is currently pursuing MSc in Physical Therapy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. She has two published articles to her credit.
Atiye_nazem@yahoo.comAtieh Nazem, Otolaryngol 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-022