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Volume 9

J Clin Exp Ophthalmol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-9570

Ophthalmology Summit 2018

February 26-27, 2018

February 26-27, 2018 | Berlin, Germany



Global Ophthalmology Summit

Acanthamoeba keratitis: Does the increased incidence in a regional eye unit reflect a national trend?

Faaiq Hassan


Barua A

University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, UK

Purpose of the Study:

To report a series of cases of Acanthamoeba Keratitis (AK) in University Hospital Coventry &

Warwickshire (UHCW), Coventry, UK and determine whether incidence is increasing across the UK and other developed



We examined the incidence trends of AK (confirmed by microbiology) in one tertiary eye unit with an emergency

eye service and compared this to the literature reflecting incidence in several hospitals across the UK, America, Australia and



UHCW has shown a significant increase in new cases of AK over a 4-month time frame with over 12 confirmed cases

presenting; a larger amount than found in any of the previous audits carried out in the region. Literature from Bristol and

Manchester has found similar trends of increased incidence with flurries of cases across short periods. This is also reflected

by a rise in the number of reported AK cases throughout the USA since 2004 and a recent outbreak in British Columbia. The

incidence of AK is also increasing in parts of Australia including Brisbane however other areas of Australia such as Melbourne

seem unaffected.


There is clearly a significant rise in the incidence of AK across developed countries. With such an abnormal

increase in the number of cases within such a short time frame, it is important to document and highlight such events to search

for any addressable cause. We hypothesize this rise is due to an increase in the usage of contact lenses across the population

and associated improper maintenance. One contributing factor may be the growth of online purchase of lenses. This has

limited the amount of teaching contact lens practitioners are able to give patients in the community. Suboptimal dosing of

anti-amoebacides in lens solutions and the use of monthly/extended wear lenses also play a role.

Recent Publications

1. Chawla A, Armstrong M, Carly F (2014) Acanthamoeba keratitis – an increasing incidence. Cont lens Anterior Eye.

37(2): 120-120.

2. Jasim H, Knox-Cartwright N, Cook S, Tole D (2012) Increase in Acanthamoeba keratitis may be associated with use

of multipurpose contact lens solution. BMJ 344: e1246.

3. Fraser MN, Wong Q, Shah L, Holland SP, Morshed M, Isaac-Renton J, Chong M, Kibsey P, Patrick DM (2012)

Characteristics of an acanthamoeba keratitis outbreak in British Columbia between 2003 and 2007. Ophthalmology.

119(6): 1120-5.

4. Ku J Y, Chan F M, Beckingsale P (2009) Acanthamoeba keratitis cluster: an increase in acanthamoeba keratitis in

Australia. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 37: 181-190

5. Lee M H, Abell R G, Mitra B, Ferdinands M, Vajpayee RB (2017) Risk factors, demographics and clinical

profile of acanthamoeba keratitis in Melbourne: an 18-year retrospective study. Br J Ophthalmol. doi: 10.1136/



Hassan F qualified Medicine from Brighton & Sussex Medical School and is a Junior Doctor working in University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire. He has a

specialist interest in Corneal Surgery and Paediatric Ophthalmology.

Faaiq Hassan et al., J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9570-C1-078