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Ophthalmology 2016

November 21-23, 2016

November 21-23, 2016 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology

Volume 7 Issue 9 (Suppl)

J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

ISSN: 2155-9570 JCEO, an open access journal

Erwin Chung Chen Tse Sak Kwun et al., J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2016, 7:9(Suppl)

Audit on retinopathy of prematurity screening

Erwin Chung Chen Tse Sak Kwun


Robert Taylor

York Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust, UK


Premature babies are at risk of sight-threatening, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). If untreated, severe ROP can

result in serious vision impairment. The goal of screening is to identify the more severe stages early enough to allow appropriate



To measure adherence on completeness of ROP screening program and timing of first screening in premature babies admitted

on special care baby unit.


We extracted the bulk of our information from BadgerNet, a platform designed for the recording of all daily events within

the unit. 84 babies admitted to the unit during between 01/03/14 to 29/02/16 eligible for ROP screening were identified on BadgerNet.

Hospital case notes of babies who were recorded as late for their ROP screening were requested.



. % of babies <32 weeks GA or <1501g birthweight who receive at least one ROP eye examination - achieved 100%


. % of babies < 27 weeks GA receiving a first ROP screening exam by 31 completed weeks postmenstrual age- achieved 91%


. % of babies 27 –32 weeks receiving a first ROP screening exam before 4 completed weeks postnatal age- standard 95% - achieved 94%


. % of babies >32 weeks but <1501g birthweight receiving a first ROP screening exam before 5 completed weeks postnatal age -

achieved 100%


There is a need for more efficient and effective recording of ROP screening test for eligible babies to achieve improvement

in compliance with the guidance. Implementation of a sticker system on cover of patients’ notes to prompt nursing staffs and clinicians

to document ROP screening in case notes and to ensure screening is arranged on time. Ophthalmologists to access badger for

recording of ROP screening in real time to avoid existing lag between recording and actual screening.