Page 64
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Suppl)
Occup Med Health Aff, an open access journal
Occupational Health-2017
September 13-14, 2017
September 13-14, 2017 | Dallas, USA
Occupational Health & Safety
International Conference and Exhibition on
Occup Med Health Aff 2017, 5:3 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6879-C1-035
The psychosocial and psychological impact of shift work and associated absence on the Nigerian oil and
gas offshore and terminal employees and families
Sylvia M Ademu
Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
esearch suggests that insufficient attention has been given to the psychosocial health, wellbeing, social life of an oil and gas
offshore and terminal employee and family. Offshore installations have been described as among the harshest and most stressful
work environments in the world. The oil and gas industry in Nigeria accounts for over 40% of gross domestic product and is a
major employer. Shift work is an integral aspect of offshore and crude oil terminal employment. Offshore and terminal workers are
frequently engaged in work that takes them away from their family for 2 weeks at a time, followed by 2 weeks off at home, or 2 months
at work and one 1 month off work. Such shift patterns have been reported to impact negatively on workers’ health. The instability of
personal and social behavioral structures based on the nature of the work schedule has been associated with impairment to health
and family, social life. Absence due to offshore shift work have been reported as impacting on marital relationships, parental roles
and children’s education, social contacts and leisure activities leading to social isolation. The aim of this research is to establish the
psychosocial and psychological impact of oil and gas offshore and terminal shift pattern on employees and families and to determine
individual and family coping strategies and organizational management strategies. Based upon the research findings, policy guidance
for the Nigerian oil and gas industry on managing the psychosocial and psychological impacts of offshore work patterns will be
developed. This work will offer an account of the perceived impact of shift work and associated absence on employees and families
and help to determine coping strategies which can be used to inform the Nigerian oil and gas industry.