Page 62
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Suppl)
Occup Med Health Aff, an open access journal
Occupational Health-2017
September 13-14, 2017
September 13-14, 2017 | Dallas, USA
Occupational Health & Safety
International Conference and Exhibition on
Occup Med Health Aff 2017, 5:3 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6879-C1-035
Relationship between hazards identification and incident investigation
Shaukat Ali Adnan
Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd, India
Health and safety has become an international priority with major organization being carried out at various stages in
process step-up and elsewhere. The challenge is how to organize safety efforts that will produce the greatest yield in making health
and safety of employee’s health and safety management activities can be considered in three different Stages: Identification of the
risks and hazards; design, implementation, and evaluation of health and safety practices, maintaining vigilance to ensure that a safe
environment continues and safety cultures, weakness in risk assessment in relationship with identified root causes of incident.
To investigate the relationship between the risk assessment/hazard identification and Implementation related with work
outcomes safe environment or accident/near misses.
An anonymous cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed during the audit of 115 organizations or by either e-mail
or post to employees within companies about safety. Respondents defined their away of risk assessment and accident report and
preventive measures. A job-related risk and control scale and an aggregated measure of the number of errors/near misses witnessed.
A total of 115 companies completed the questionnaire, representing a response rate of 78%. Controlling for age, gender and
contract type, the Safety (as measured by the interview and questionnaire) were positively associated with job related safety measures
and negatively associated with implementation procedures and ‘witnessed accident/near misses.
This study provides evidence to support the identified Health and safety risk approach in tackling workplace safety and
relationship with incident investigation.