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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Obes Weight Loss Ther

ISSN: 2165-7904 JOWT, an open access journal

Obesity Meeting 2017

October 23-24, 2017

October 23-24, 2017 Dubai, UAE



Global Obesity Meeting

Comparison of weight and body composition change in persons using and non-using protein powder

in the first 6 months period after bariatric surgery

Nazli Batar

Istanbul Bilim University, Turkey


his study was carried out on 196 patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy at Bezmialem Vakif University between 2012

and 2014 and whose follow-up was followed preoperatively and postoperatively. The study was planned to compare the

change of weight and body composition in people who did or did not use protein dust for 6 months after bariatric surgery.

Individuals who are 18 years of age and older who are not pregnant and obese are included in the study. This study was divided

into two groups, those who use protein dust (group-1) and those who do not (group2). The number of people who use protein

dust is 124 and the number of people who do not use it is 72. The body analysis of the cases was performed with the Tanita body

composition analyzer TBF-300 instrument at each control. 63% of patients use protein dust and 37% do not use protein dust. As

a result of the study, the differences between the fat percentage ratios of the cases in both groups were statistically significant at

post op 6th month controls (p<0.05). When the weight ratios of the cases were examined, no statistically significant difference

was found between the two groups. When the muscle ratios of both groups are evaluated; the difference between the body

muscle ratios of the post-op 1 month controls was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05) and the difference between the

body muscle ratios of the two groups in the controls of the post-op 6 months was statistically significant (0.01). As a result, we

believe that post-operative protein supplementation will be favorable as a result of this study.

J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2017, 7:6 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7904-C1-052